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What's New

Organizational changes in our laboratory is not described in this page, but in the "history" page. Although small changes are updated very often, only relatively important updates are listed in this page. In our laboratory's Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn pages, recent topics related on our laboratory and announcements on introduction in a media and announcement are timely uploaded. You can visit even if you don't have a Facebook account.

Dec. 1 Added Motion-blur Compensation Method Using a Transparent Cube in YouTube.
Apr. 1 Renewed "Booklet on Our Research" (ver. 2024).
Mar. 5 Added Dynamic Marker using Laser Heating, Self-localization using Tunnel Lighting Recognition.
Feb. 28 Added Apollon Mark: Ball Mark Visualization System with Preceding Mirror Control, Dynamic Anamorphosis System.
Sep. 27 Added Fully Automated Beads Art Assembly based on Dynamic Compensation Approach in YouTube.
- Added Fully Automated Beads Art Assembly based on Dynamic Compensation Approach.
Sep. 20 Added A sealant dispensing robot for applications with moving targets in YouTube.
- Added A sealant dispensing robot for applications with moving targets.
Jul. 6 Added Accurate and Robust Inter-vehicle Distance Estimation with Stereo High-speed Vision in YouTube.
- Added Inter-vehicle distance estimation using stereo high-speed vision.
Apr. 3 Established the laboratory at the Research Institute for Science & Technology, the Tokyo University of Science. Most of the research activities were moved to TUS Katsushika Campus. However, some research activities continue at the Information Technology Center, the University of Tokyo.
- Changed the lab's name from Ishikawa Hayakawa Huang Sueishi Miyashita Lab to Ishikawa Group Laboratory (Ishikawa Hayakawa Miyashita Huang Sueishi Lab.).
- Renewed Members.
- Renewed "Booklet on Our Research" (ver. 2023).
Jun. 2 Added Robot System for Manipulating a Randomly Placed Towel-like Object in YouTube.
Apr. 6 Renewed "Booklet on Our Research" (ver. 2022).
Dec. 20 Added Development of High-speed 3D Position Compensation System with High-speed Visual Feedback, Continuous Manipulation of spreading and aligning operations for a suspended flexible object, Ellipses Ring Marker for High-speed Finger Tracking, EmnDash: M-sequence Dashed Markers for High-speed Spatial Tracking.
- Renewed VarioLight 2: Dynamic Projection Mapping for a Sports Sphere using Circumferential Markers.
Jun. 16 Added 1 Millisecond Vision Pioneers a New Era in YouTube.
May 1 Renewed "Booklet on Our Research" (ver. 2021).
Apr. 6 Added VarioLight 2: Wide Dynamic Projection Mapping in Rhythmic Gymnastics in YouTube.
- Renewed VarioLight 2: Dynamic Projection Mapping for a Sports Sphere using Circumferential Markers.
Apr. 1 Renewed Members.
Mar. 23 Added High-speed color projector toward the world of 1,000fps vision in YouTube.
- Added DPM-1000: Dynamic projection mapping system using high-speed color projector and high-speed vision chip.
Dec. 16 Added Tracking Projection Mosaicing for Wide High-resolution Display in YouTube.
- Added Tracking Projection Mosaicing.
Nov. 13 Added ElaMorph Projection: Deformation of 3D Shape by Dynamic Projection Mapping in YouTube.
- Added ElaMorph Projection: Deformation of 3D Shape by Dynamic Projection Mapping.
Oct. 27 Added Proximity sensor-based High-speed Tracking and High-precision Depth Scanning in YouTube.
- Added One board, USB Type High-speed, High-precision Proximity Sensor.
Sep. 23 Added Bilateral Motion Display : Multiple Visual Perception Using Afterimage Effects for Specific Motion in YouTube.
- Added Bilateral Motion Display: Multiple Visual Perception Depending on Motions.
Sep. 8 Added Dynamic Perceptive Compensation for Optical Illusions Synchronized with Eye Movement in YouTube.
- Added Compensatory Presentation of Moving Illusion Snchronized with Eye Movement.
Sep. 1 Added High-resolution Focused Tracking of Freely Swimming Fish in YouTube.
- Added High-resolution Focused Tracking of Freely Swimming Fish.
Aug. 25 Added High-Speed Focal Tracking Projection Based on Liquid Lens in YouTube.
- Renewed High-Speed Focal Tracking Projection Based on Liquid Lens.
Aug. 3 Renewed "Booklet on Our Research" (ver. 2020).
Jul. 17 Added Adaptive Visual Shock Absorber with Magslider.
Jul. 8 Added VarioLight 2: Dynamic Projection Mapping for Ball Sports in YouTube.
- Added VarioLight 2: Dynamic Projection Mapping for a Sports Sphere using Circumferential Markers.
May 19 Added High-speed UAV Delivery System with Non-stop Parcel Handover Using High-speed Visual Control in YouTube.
May 18 Added Combining visual and haptic modalities for human-robot interaction and collaboration, High-speed UAV delivery system with non-stop parcel handover using high-speed visual control.
Apr. 1 Changed our affiliation because our labpratory moved to the Information Tecnology Center, University of Tokyo.
- Changed the lab's name from Ishikawa Senoo Lab to Ishikawa Group Laboratory (Ishikawa Hayakawa Huang Sueishi Miyashita Lab.).
Mar. 19 Added High-speed Projection Feedback for Golf Swing Training in YouTube.
- Added High-speed Projection Feedback for Golf Swing Training.
Mar. 6 Added Dynamic Viewpoint-dependent Projection with Dynamic Projection Mapping in YouTube.
- Added Viewpoint-dependent Image Projection onto Dynamic Objects by Dynamic Projection Mapping.
Feb. 28 Added Allowable Limits of Latencies in Delay Control Visual Feedback System in YouTube.
- Added Effects of Low Video Latency between Visual Information and Physical Sensation in Immersive Environments.
Feb. 19 Added High-resolution Focused Tracking of Freely Swimming Fish, Coloring Drawing System using High-speed Coaxial Control and Active Marking.
Nov. 14 Added Brobdingnagian Glass: A Micro-Stereoscopic Telexistence System in YouTube.
- Added Brobdingnagian Glass: A Micro-Stereoscopic Telexistence System using a Vibrating Curved Mirror.
Sep. 16 Added High-speed Grasping of a Card using New Actuator MagLinkage in YouTube.
- Added Multifingered Hand System equipped with compact size, low-friction actuator "MagLinkage".
May 24 Renewed "Booklet on Our Research" (ver. 2019).
May 19 Added High-Speed Ring Insertion by Dynamic Observable Contact Hand in YouTube.
- Added High-Speed Ring Insertion by Dynamic Observable Contact Hand.
Apr. 30 Added Dynamic Depth-of-Field Projection for 3D Projection Mapping in YouTube.
Apr. 1 Renewed Members.
Mar. 12 Added Readily Available 3D Microscopy Imaging System with Variable Focus Spinner.
Dec. 5 Added VarioLight: Dynamic Projection Mapping for a Wide Range and Rotative/Deformative Performance.
Nov. 30 Added Tracking Projection Mosaicing.
Nov. 29 Added MIDAS Projection: Markerless and Modelless Dynamic Projection Mapping for Material Representation in YouTube.
- Added MIDAS Projection: Markerless and Modelless Dynamic Projection Mapping for Material Representation.
Nov. 20 Added Dynamic Human-Robot Interaction -Realizations of collaborative motion and peg-in-hole- in YouTube.
- Added Dynamic Human-Robot Interactive System.
Sep. 26 Added Rubik's Cube Manipulation Using a High-speed Robot Hand in YouTube.
- Added Rubik's Cube handling using a high-speed multi-fingerd hand and a high-speed vision system.
Sep. 6 Added High-speed, Non-deformation Catching with High-speed Vision and Proximity Feedback in YouTube.
- Added High-Speed, Non-deformation Catching of a Marshmallow with High-speed Vision and Proximity Sensor.
Aug. 31 Added Human-Robot Collaboration Based on Dynamic Compensation in YouTube.
- Added Human-Robot Collaboration based on Dynamic Compensation: from Micro-manipulation to Macro-manipulation.
Jul. 25 Added Portable Lumipen: mobile dynamic projection mapping system using a 3D-stacked vision chip in YouTube.
- Added Portable Lumipen: mobile dynamic projection mapping system.
Jul. 20 Added "Booklet on Our Research" (Full version).
Jun. 5 Renewed "Booklet on Our Research" (ver. 2018).
May 30 Added High-Speed Catching of a Paper Balloon using High-Performance Proximity Sensor in YouTube.
- Added High-Speed Catching of a Paper Balloon using High-Performance Proximity Sensor.
May 24 Added VarioLight: Dynamic Projection Mapping for a Wide Range Performance in YouTube.
May 21 Changed the research group's name from DIC:Dinamic Image Control to DVS:Dynamic Vision System group.
- Changed the research group's name from VA:Vision Architecture to SVD:System Vision Design.
May 8 Added ACHIRES: Robust Bipedal Running Based on High-speed Visual Feedback in YouTube.
- Renewed ACHIRES: Improved Running Taking Dynamically Unstable Forward-Bent Posture Achieved with High-Speed Vision.
Apr. 1 Changed the lab's name from Ishikawa Watanabe Lab to Ishikawa Senoo Lab.
Mar. 5 Added DynaFlash v2 and Post Reality in YouTube.
- Added DynaFlash v2 and Post Reality, TransMaterial: Computational display of material appearance based on dynamic projection mapping.
Feb. 19 Added Accurate pick-and-place under uncertainties by a dynamic compensation robot in YouTube.
- Added Accurate pick-and-place under uncertainties by a dynamic compensation robot.
Nov. 24 Added ACHIRES: Improved Running Taking Dynamically Unstable Posture Achieved with High-Speed Vision in YouTube.
- Added ACHIRES: Improved Running Taking Dynamically Unstable Forward-Bent Posture Achieved with High-Speed Vision.
Nov. 23 Added Active Assistant Robot - human robot cooperation based on a new high-speed vision in YouTube.
- Added Active Assistant Robot - human robot cooperation based on a new high-speed vision .
Jun. 9 "Ishikawa Watanabe Laboratory II Channel" was started in YouTube.
May 15 Added Winding Manipulator Based on High-speed Visual Feedback Control, Human Cooperative Task with Multiple Degree of Freedom Using a High-speed Hand System.
May 9 Added Tracking Background-oriented Schlieren: shock-wave image measurement of high-speed flying objects in YouTube.
- Added Tracking BOS: shock-wave image measurement of high-speed flying objects.
May 1 Renewed "Booklet on Our Research" (ver. 2017).
Apr. 18 Added SENSECASE: Crafting Deformable Interfaces to Physically Augment Smartphones in YouTube.
- Revise the page "Generic Method for Crafting Deformable Interfaces to Physically Augment Smartphones" to SENSECASE: Crafting Deformable Interfaces to Physically Augment Smartphones.
Apr. 13 Added Advanced Inspection System on Expressways Using Pixel-wise Deblurring Imaging in YouTube.
Apr. 11 Added Rapid blending of closed curves based on curvature flow.
Apr. 6 Renewed Sensor Fusion's top page.
Apr. 3 Renewed Dynamic Image Control's top page and Active Perception's top page.
- Added Variable Focus Microlens Array Based On Dielectric Elastomer Actuator, Learning Supportive System to Electrical Stimulation, Pixel-wise Deblurring Imaging(PDI) and Research on advanced inspection of highways.
Mar. 30 Added INORI -PRAYER-: Collaboration with WOW, TOKYO, and AyaBambi.
Mar. 22 Added Dynamic Projection Mapping; Now and the Future at Ishikawa Watanabe Laboratory in YouTube.
Mar. 13 Changed the research group's name from MP:Meta Perception group to AP:Active Perception group.
Mar. 8 Added History of Vision Chip at Ishikawa Watanabe Laboratory in YouTube.
Mar. 1 Added 3D Augmented Reality Head-Up-Display.
- Added 3D Augmented Reality Head-Up-Display for the Advanced Driver Assistance System in-vehicle in YouTube.
Feb. 23 Added Dynamic Compensation Robot with a Newly Developed High-speed Vision Chip .
- Added Dynamic Compensation Robot with a Newly Developed High-speed Vision Chip in YouTube.
Feb. 6 Added Vision Chip developed by Sony and Ishikawa Watanabe Laboratory of the University of Tokyo.
- Added ISSCC 2017 New Vision Chip Demo in YouTube.
Dec. 26 Added Robotic Pitching by Rolling Ball on Fingers for a Randomly Located Target.
Oct. 19 Added Research outline of "High-speed projector and its applications", Dynamic projection mapping onto deforming non-rigid surface using a high-speed projector, Deformable Dot Cluster Marker: Marker for high-speed non-rigid surface tracking, High-resolution Shape and Color Integration of Dynamic Rigid Body Using 3D Motion Sensing System and Fast Archiving System with Touch Interaction using Wearable High-speed Vision.
- Added Dynamic Projection Mapping in YouTube.
Aug. 19 Added High-speed 3D Sensing with Three-view Geometry Using a Segmented Pattern.
- Added High-speed 3D Sensing with Three-view Geometry using a Segmented Pattern in YouTube.
Jul. 20 Renewed ZoeMatrope: A System for Physical Material Design and Phyxel: Realistic Display using Physical Objects with High-speed Spatially Pixelated Lighting.
Jul. 13 Added ZoeMatrope: A System for Physical Material Design in YouTube.
Jul. 4 Renewed "Booklet on Our Research" (ver. 2016).
Jun. 15 Added Fully Automatic Peg-and-Hole Alignment based on Dynamic Compensation and Fully Automatic Robotic Tracking of Uncertain Contours.
- Added Fully Automatic Peg-and-Hole Alignment Based on Dynamic Compensation and Fully Automatic Robotic Tracking of Uncertain Contours in YouTube.
May 12 Added High-speed roll camera and Occlusion-Robust 3D Sensing Using Aerial Imaging.
- Added Occlusion-Robust 3D Sensing Using Aerial Imaging in YouTube.
May 3 Added High-Speed Image Rotator for Blur-Canceling Roll Camera in YouTube.
Apr. 15 Added Dielectric Elastomer Based Laser Beam Pointing Method, Targeted modeling for dynamic background subtraction in high-speed sequences, Saccade Mirror calibration and Fractal-based camera calibration pattern.
Apr. 6 Renewed Members.
Nov. 24 Added Dynamic Compensation - Toward the Next-Generation Industrial Robot.
- Added Dynamic Compensation - Toward the Next-Generation Industrial Robot in YouTube.
Nov. 19 Added Human-Robot Cooperation for Micrometer-Order Manipulation Using High-Speed Vision.
- Added Human-Robot Cooperation for Micrometer-Order Manipulation Using High-Speed Vision in YouTube.
Nov. 3 Added Robotic Button Spinner - Manipulation of High-speed Rotating Object via Twisted Thread in YouTube.
Oct. 23 Added Telemanipulation System Using High-Speed Vision and High-Speed Multifingered Robot Hand and Human-Robot Cooperative System using a High-speed Vision System and a Robot Hand.
Oct. 20 Added 3D Motion Sensing of any Object by Using Multiplexed Lasers.
- Added 3D Motion Sensing of any Object without Prior Knowledge in YouTube.
Oct. 7 Added High-speed roll camera.
Sep. 24 Added Lumipen 2: Illumination and Magic by Dynamic Projection Mapping in YouTube.
Sep. 11 Renewed Janken (rock-paper-scissors) robot with 100% winning rate (human-machine cooperation system).
- Added Janken (rock-paper-scissors) Robot with 100% winning rate: 3rd version in YouTube.
Jul. 29 Added DynaFlash: High-speed 8-bit image projector at 1,000fps with 3ms delay.
- Added DynaFlash: High-speed 8-bit image projector at 1,000fps with 3ms delay in YouTube.
Jun. 3 Added Visual Shock Absorber with Anti-rebound Property Based on Maxwell Model.
May 8 Added Rapid SVBRDF Measurement by Algebraic Solution Based on Adaptive Illumination in YouTube.
- Renewed the design of "Movies, YouTube".
- Renewed "Booklet on Our Research" (ver. 2015).
Apr. 27 Renewed Document Digitization and its Quality Improvement using a Multi-camera Array.
Apr. 18 Renewed Stand Alone High-speed Vision System with Dynamic Capture Control.
- Added Rapid SVBRDF Measurement by Algebraic Solution Based on Adaptive Illumination , High-accuracy rectification technique of deformed document image using Tiled Rectangle Fragments (TRFs) , Sequential 3D reconstruction for a moving object based on time-series propagation using high-speed cameras and Document Image Rectification using Advance Knowledge of 3D Deformation.
Apr. 2 Renewed Members.
Mar. 31 Renewed Dynamic Image Control's top page and Meta Perception's top page.
- Added Information Display with an Afterimage by Laser Projection Moving Object, A pair of diopter-adjustable eyeglasses for presbyopia correction, High-Speed Real-time Range Finding by Projecting Structured Light Field, An adaptive achromatic doublet design by double variable focus lenses, FTIR based calibration of Airborne Ultrasound Tactile Display and camera system and Target Tracking.
Mar. 28 Renewed Sensor Fusion's top page.
Mar. 23 Added Lumipen 2: Robust Tracking for Dynamic Projection Mapping in YouTube.
Mar. 3 Added Optics revolution: variable focus lens with large aperture in YouTube.
Feb. 16 Renewed Vision Architecture's top page.
- Renewed Standalone High-Speed Vision System.
Jan. 5 Changed "Papers, Media" from "Papers, Booklet, Pamphlet" and added a tab of "Booklet on Research".
- Renewed the design of "Contact Info, Access".
- Moved the tag of "Awards" to the group of Laboratory.
Nov. 5 Added Toward the Dream of a Baseball Android in YouTube.
Oct. 14 Added Report: "Recognition and Behavior in Smart Systems 2014" and SAILING Authors&Publishing.
Oct. 9 Added Running Progress - The History of Project ACHIRES - in YouTube.
Sep. 1 Added ACHIRES: High-speed Bipedal Running Robot System.
Aug. 28 Added ACHIRES: Bipedal Running Using High-speed Visual Feedback and (no narration version) ACHIRES: Bipedal Running Using High-speed Visual Feedback in YouTube.
Aug. 12 Added SHIP-v: High Frame Rate Video Samples for researches of High-speed Image Processing in YouTube.
Aug. 4 Added VibroTracker; Tele-Vibration by Visual Target Tracking and Vibration Measurement (Revised Video) in YouTube.
Jul. 15 Renewed "Booklet on Our Research" (ver. 2014).
Jul. 8 Added Recognition and Behavior in Smart Systems in YouTube.
Jun. 20 Added Services for High-speed Image Processing - Videos.
May 20 Added High Speed Gesture UI for Three Dimensional Display zSpace.
- Added High Speed Gesture Recognition for zSpace 3D Display in YouTube.
May 7 Added AIRR Tablet: Floating Display with High-Speed Gesture UI - Interactive Display in 3D Free Space -.
- Added AIRR Tablet: Floating Display with High-Speed Gesture UI in YouTube.
Apr. 26 Added Generic Method for Crafting Deformable Interfaces to Physically Augment Smartphones.
Apr. 9 Added Real-time 3D Page Tracking and Book Status Recognition.
Apr. 7 Added Anywhere Surface Touch: utilizing any surface as an input area with a wearable device.
Apr. 1 Changed the lab's name from Ishikawa Oku Lab to Ishikawa Watanabe Lab.
Oct. 31 Added Janken (rock-paper-scissors) Robot with 100% winning rate: 2nd version in YouTube.
Oct. 29 Added 1ms Auto Pan-Tilt; Yo-yo version in YouTube.
Oct. 17 Add "SAILING: Smart Architecture and Integration Lead Intelligence to the Next Generation" in the top page.
Sep. 1 Added VibroTracker.
Aug. 12 Added VibroTracker: You can feel vibrations of moving objects in YouTube.
Jun. 19 Added Lumipen: Projection Mapping on a Moving Object in YouTube.
Jun. 8 Added a new item:"News Papers, Journals, and Web" in the page of "Papers" and a related page of "News Papers, Journals, and Web".
May 30 Added High-Resolution Surface Reconstruction based on Multi-level Implicit Surface from Multiple Range Images and Standalone High-Speed Vision System.
May 17 Added Visual and Tactile Cues for High-Speed Interaction.
May 16 Added Visual and Tactile Cues for High-Speed Interaction in YouTube.
May 14 Renewed "Booklet on Our Research" (ver.3).
Apr. 19 Added Basic Concept and Technical Terms.
Apr. 1 Renewed Members.
Jan. 24 Renewed System Vision Design, Book Flipping Scanning and Reconstruction of 3D Surface and Restoration of Flat document Image from Monocular Image Sequence.
- Added BFS-Solo: High Speed Book Digitization using Monocular Video.
- Added BFS-Solo: High Speed Book Digitization using Monocular Video in YouTube.
Dec. 28 Added Ultra High-speed Robot Based on 1 kHz Vision System and Dynamic Intelligent Systems Based on 1 kHz Vision System in YouTube.
Dec. 12 Added Automatic page turner machine for Book Flipping Scanning.
Nov. 22 Our YouTube channel "IshikawaLab Channel" achieved 4 million views.
Nov. 17 Added BFS-Auto: High Speed Book Scanner at over 250 pages/min in YouTube.
Nov. 16 Renewed System Vision Design and Proof-of-concept prototype for Book Flipping Scanning.
- Added Book Flipping Scanning, BFS-Auto: High Speed & High Definition Book Scanner and Digitization of Deformed Documents using a High-speed Multi-camera Array.
Oct. 5 Added High-Speed Estimation of Multi-finger Position and Pose for Input Interface of the Mobile Devices and Finger Detection based on Data Fusion of Fish-eye Stereo Camera for 3D-Gesture Input Interface.
Jul. 9 Our YouTube channel "IshikawaLab Channel" achieved 3 million views.
Jul. 6 Added 1ms Auto Pan-Tilt for perfect recentering in YouTube.
Jun. 30 Our YouTube channel "IshikawaLab Channel" achieved 2 million views.
Jun. 28 Our YouTube channel "IshikawaLab Channel" achieved 1 million views.
Jun. 27 Renewed "Booklet on Our Research" (ver. 2).
Jun. 26 Added Janken (rock-paper-scissors) robot with 100% winning rate (human-machine cooperation system).
Jun. 25 Added Janken (rock-paper-scissors) Robot with 100% winning rate in YouTube.
Jun. 1 Renewed design.
- Added History.
Apr. 22 Added Active 3D sensing using a multifingered hand.
Apr. 1 Changed the research group's name from VC:Vision Chip group to VA:Vision Architecture group.
- Added Viseme Classi cation Using High-Frame-Rate Vision.
- Renewed Members.
May 31 Added Rotational Holding of Discotic Flexible Object using a Multifingered Hand.
May 28 Added High-speed Tracking by Hand-eye Configured Visual Servoing with Cylindrical Coordinate Approach and Spatial Resolution Improvement Method using High Speed Active Vision System.
Oct. 26 Renewed Dynamic Image Control Movies.
Oct. 21 Added High Quality Video-shooting System for Dynamic Sport Games by Super-speed Tracking.
Oct. 11 Renewed Dynamic Image Control Movies.
Sep. 22 Added "Booklet on Our Research" (ver.1).
Jul. 7 Added Laserinne and HaptiKar.
Jun. 24 Added High-Speed 3D Tracking of Chlamydomonas with Phase-Contrast Microscope.
Apr. 11 Added High-speed Catching Based on Inverse Motion Approach.
Apr. 1 Changed the lab's name from Ishikawa Komuro Lab to Ishikawa Oku Lab.
- Renewed Members.
Jan. 12 Renewed What's New and Past What's New's format.

Past What's New

Ishikawa Group Laboratory
Research Institute for Science & Technology, Tokyo University of Science
Ishikawa Group Laboratory WWW admin: contact
Copyright © 2008 Ishikawa Group Laboratory. All rights reserved.