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Rotational Holding of Discotic Flexible Object using a Multifingered Hand
Rotational Holding of Thin Circular Flexible Object using a Multifingered Hand
A dynamic manipulation of flexible object is needed for manufacturing domain and daily living environment.
In this research, we propose a new simple strategy of rotational holding about a thin circular flexible object. In the strategy, one finger holds center of gravity, and another finger holds angular velocity.

shutter speed: 16[fps]
- S. Nakano, Y. Yamakawa, T. Senoo and M. Ishikawa: Rotational Holding of Discotic Flexible Object based on Visual Feedback using a Multifingered Hand, 12th SICE System Integration Division Annual Conference(SI2011) (Kyoto,Japan,2011.12.25)/Proceedings, pp. 2461-2463