Sensor Fusion
A human being recognizes external environment by using many kinds of sensory information. By integrating these information and making up lack of information for each other, a more reliable and multilateral recognition can be achieved. The purpose of Sensor Fusion Project is to realize new sensing architecture by integrating multi-sensor information and to develop hierarchical and decentralized architecture for recognizing human beings further. As a result, more reliable and multilateral information can be extracted, which can realize high level recognition mechanism.

Research Topics
Dynamic Compensation
- A sealant dispensing robot for applications with moving targets(2020-)
- Realizing Peg-and-Hole Alignment by Mimicking the Process of an Annular Solar Eclipse (2020-)
- Fully Automated Beads Art Assembly based on Dynamic Compensation Approach(2021-)
- Development of High-speed 3D Position Compensation System with High-speed Visual Feedback (2021-)
- Human-Robot Collaboration with Force Feedback Utilizing Bimanual Coordination (2020-)
- Combining visual and haptic modalities for human-robot interaction and collaboration (2019-)
- Human-Robot Collaboration based on Dynamic Compensation: from Micro-manipulation to Macro-manipulation (2017-)
- Accurate pick-and-place under uncertainties by a dynamic compensation robot (2017-)
- Active Assistant Robot - human robot cooperation based on a new high-speed vision (2017-)
- Dynamic Compensation Robot with a Newly Developed High-speed Vision Chip (2017-)
- Dynamic Compensation - Toward the Next-Generation Industrial Robot (2015-)
- Fully Automatic Peg-and-Hole Alignment based on Dynamic Compensation (2015-)
- Fully Automatic Robotic Tracking of Uncertain Contours (2015-)
- High-speed and accurate picking task based on dynamic compensation concept (2014-)
- Fast Peg-and-Hole Alignment Using Visual Compliance (2012-)
High-speed Bipedal Running Robot
- ACHIRES: Improved Running Taking Dynamically Unstable Forward-Bent Posture Achieved with High-Speed Vision (2017-)
- ACHIRES: High-speed Bipedal Running Robot System (2014-)
Janken Robot
- Janken (rock-paper-scissors) robot with 100% winning rate (human-machine cooperation system) (2011-)
Baseball Robots
- Robotic Pitching by Rolling Ball on Fingers for a Randomly Located Target (2016-)
- Baseball Robots: Throwing, Tracking, Batting, Running, Catching (2015-)
- Light-weight Ball Catching with High-speed Visual Feedback (2015-)
- Analysis of Rolling Manipulation for Breaking Ball Throwing with Robot Hand-Arm (2014-)
- Throwing and Batting robot system (2009-)
- Ball Control in High-speed Batting Motion (2005-)
Robotic Systems
- Dynamic Observable Contact Hand for High-Speed Ring Insertion(2019-)
- High-speed and High-precision Robotic Hand for Micromanipulation (2016-)
- Lightweight High-Speed Multifingered Hand System (2002-)
- High-speed Manipulation System (2000-)
- Column Parallel Vision System (CPV) (2000-)
Applications of High-speed Multifingered Hand
- Active sensing using vibration with robot hand (2019-)
- Rubik's Cube handling using a high-speed multi-fingerd hand and a high-speed vision system (2017-)
- Screwing nut with high-speed robot hand using high-speed visual feedback (2016-)
- Card Throwing and Shooting by a High-speed Multifingered Hand and a Vision System (2014-)
- Manipulation of Thread-Rotor Object by a Robotic hand (2013-)
- Manipulation of cable connector with a High-speed Robot Arm (2012-)
- Card Manipulation using Card Deformation by a High-speed Multifingered Hand (2012-)
- Rotational Holding of Discotic Flexible Object using a Multifingered Hand(2011-)
- Catching a small object in high-speed motion (2009-)
- Dynamic Regrasping Using a High-speed Multifingered Hand and a High-speed Vision System (2005-)
- Dynamic Holding Using a High-speed Multifingered Hand (2004-)
Manipulation of Flexible Object
- Continuous Manipulation of spreading and aligning operations for a suspended flexible object (2021-)
- Winding Manipulator Based on High-speed Visual Feedback Control (2017-)
- Manipulation of Flexible Arm using Shape Information with High-speed Vision (2017-)
- Sonic-speed Manipulation of a Bull Whip with a High-speed Robot Arm (2016-)
- Robotic Needle Threading Manipulation based on High-Speed Motion Strategy (2014-)
- Dynamic Manipulation of a Rhythmic Gymnastics Ribbon with a High-speed Robot Arm (2013-)
- Dynamic Folding of a Cloth using Dual High-speed Multifingered Hands and Sliders (2010-)
- Dynamic Manipulation of a Linear Flexible Object with a High-speed Robot Arm (2009-)
- Knotting manipulation based on skill synthesis (2008-)
- One Handed Knotting of flexible rope using a High-speed Multifingered Hand (2006-)
Elasto-plastic Deformation Control
- High-speed Hitting Grasping with Magripper (2019-)
- Adaptive Visual Shock Absorber with Magslider (2019-)
- Elasto-plastic Deformation Control of a Multijoint Manipulator (2016-)
- Plastic Behavior Generation of a Manipulator by Impedance Control (2015-)
- Visual Shock Absorber with Anti-rebound Property Based on Maxwell Model (2015-)
Human-Robot Cooperation
- Robotic Assistance for Extended Sensing, Locomotion and Manipulation by Gaze Control (2023-)
- Towel-Like Object Alignment with Human–Robot Cooperation and High-Speed Robotic Manipulation (2018-)
- Dynamic Human-Robot Interactive System (2018-)
- Human Cooperative Task with Multiple Degree of Freedom Using a High-speed Hand System (2017-)
- Assistive System for High-speed and High-accuracy Position Control of a Human Hand Using High-speed Vision and Actuator (2016-)
- Human-Robot Cooperation for Micrometer-Order Manipulation Using High-Speed Vision (2015-)
- Human-Robot Cooperative System using a High-speed Vision System and a Robot Hand (2015-)
- Telemanipulation System Using High-Speed Vision and High-Speed Multifingered Robot Hand (2015-)
High-Speed Handling Based on Vision, Proximity and Tactile
- One Board, USB Type High-speed, High-precision Proximity Sensor (2020-)
- High-Speed Non-deformation Catching of a Marshmallow with High-speed Vision and Proximity Sensor (2018-)
- High-Speed Catching of a Paper Balloon using High-Performance Proximity Sensor (2018-)
- Dynamic Pen Spinning Using a High-speed Multifingered Hand with High-speed Tactile Sensor (2005-)
Intelligent Transportation Systems
- Inter-vehicle distance estimation using stereo high-speed vision (2021-)
- High-speed UAV delivery system with non-stop parcel handover using high-speed visual control(2019-)
- High-speed Obstacle Tracking for Mobile Robots (2018-)
- Visual Odometry via Downward High-speed Vision (2017-)
- Traffic Light Detection Using High-speed Vision(2016-)
Dynamic Sensor Network
- High-speed Visual and Tactile Sensors Network System (2016-)
- Target Tracking Behind Occlusions Using a Networked High-Speed Vision System (2014-)
- Frame Synchronization for Networked High-Speed Vision Systems (2014-)
- Network System for High-Speed Vision (2013-)
- Collision-avoidance of High Speed Mobility using Environmental High-speed Vision (2013-)