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Dynamic Manipulation of a Rhythmic Gymnastics Ribbon with a High-speed Robot Arm
Dynamic Manipulation of a Rhythmic Gymnastics Ribbon with a High-speed Robot Arm
Our laboratory have achieved dynamic manipulations of a linear flexible object. In particular, we performed shape control of a rope and dynamic knotting of a rope as examples of the manipulations.
In this research, we aim at dynamic manipulation of a belt-like flexible object as extended version of a linear flexible object manipulation. We analyzed dynamic model of the belt-like flexible object, and we derive a condition of the robot in order to control a shape of the target object. Based on the analysis result, we achieve various experiments of shape control of a rhythmic gymnastics ribbon using a high-speed manipulator.

- Y. Yamakawa, A. Namiki and M. Ishikawa : Dexterous Manipulation of a Rhythmic Gymnastics Ribbon with Constant, High-Speed Motion of a High-Speed Manipulator, 2013 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation/ To appear