Papers in English: Sensor Fusion (Invited Papers / Papers / Books / Review Papers / Proceedings)
Papers in Japanese are listed here.
Invited Papers
- Masatoshi Ishikawa: Is There Real Fusion between Sensing and Network Technology? - What are the Problems? (Invited Paper), IEICE Trans. Commun., Vol.E93.B, No.11, pp.2855-2858 (2010)
- Akio Namiki, Takashi Komuro, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: High Speed Sensory-Motor Fusion Based on Dynamics (Invited Paper), Proc. IEEE, Vol.90, No.7, pp.1178-1187 (2002)
- Kenichi Murakami, Shouren Huang, Masatoshi Ishikawa, and Yuji Yamakawa: Fully Automated Bead Art Assembly for Smart Manufacturing Using Dynamic Compensation Approach, Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, Vol.34, No.5, pp.936-945 (2022)
- Shouren Huang, Kenichi Murakami, Masatoshi Ishikawa, and Yuji Yamakawa: Robotic Assistance for Peg-and-Hole Alignment by Mimicking Annular Solar Eclipse Process, Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, Vol.34, No.5, pp.946-955 (2022)
- Taku Senoo, Atsushi Konno, Yunzhuo Wang, Masahiro Hirano, Norimasa Kishi, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Tracking of Overlapped Vehicles with Spatio-Temporal Shared Filter for High-Speed Stereo Vision, Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, Vol.34, No.5, pp.1033-1042 (2022)
- Hyuno Kim, Yuji Yamakawa, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Seamless Multiple-Target Tracking Method Across Overlapped Multiple Camera Views Using High-Speed Image Capture, Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, Vol.34, No.5, pp.1043-1052 (2022)
- Masahiro Hirano, Yuji Yamakawa, Taku Senoo, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: An acceleration method for correlation-based high-speed object tracking, Measurement: Sensors, Vol.18, Article No.100258 (2021) [Young Excellent Presentation Award]
- Hyuno Kim, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Sub-Frame Evaluation of Frame Synchronization for Camera Network Using Linearly Oscillating Light Spot, Sensors, Vol.21, No.18, Article No.6148, pp.1-14 (2021)
- Yuji Yamakawa, Yugo Katsuki, Yoshihiro Watanabe, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Development of a High-Speed, Low-Latency Telemanipulated Robot Hand System, Robotics, Vol.10, Issue1, Article No.41, pp.1-22 (2021)
- Yuji Yamakawa, Yutaro Matsui, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Development of a Real-Time Human-Robot Collaborative System Based on 1 kHz Visual Feedback Control and Its Application to a Peg-in-Hole Task, Sensors, Vol.21, No.2, Article No.663, pp.1-25 (2021)
- Kenichi Murakami, Koki Ishimoto, Taku Senoo, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Human Robot Hand Interaction with Plastic Deformation Control, Robotics, Vol.9, Issue3, Article No.73, pp.1-15 (2020)
- Kento Yabuuchi, Masahiro Hirano, Taku Senoo, Norimasa Kishi, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Real-Time Traffic Light Detection with Frequency Patterns Using a High-Speed Camera, Sensors, Vol.20, No.14, Article No.4035, pp.1-18 (2020)
- Shouren Huang, Masatoshi Ishikawa, and Yuji Yamakawa: A coarse-to-fine framework for accurate positioning under uncertainties-from autonomous robot to human-robot system, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, vol.108, pp.2929-2944 (2020)
- Keisuke Koyama, Makoto Shimojo, Aiguo Ming, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Integrated control of a multiple-degree-of-freedom hand and arm using a reactive architecture based on high-speed proximity sensing, The International Journal of Robotics Research, Vol.38, Issue14, pp.1717-1750 (2019)
- Taku Senoo, Kenichi Murakami, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Deformation Control of a Manipulator Based on the Zener Model, Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, Vol.31, No.2, pp.263-273 (2019)
- Keisuke Koyama, Kenichi Murakami, Taku Senoo, Makoto Shimojo, Masatoshi Ishikawa: High-Speed, Small-Deformation Catching of Soft Objects Based on Active Vision and Proximity Sensing, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, Vol.4, Issue2, pp.578-585 (2019)
- Keisuke Koyama, Makoto Shimojo, Taku Senoo, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: High-Speed High-Precision Proximity Sensor for Detection of Tilt, Distance, and Contact, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, Vol.3, No.4, pp.3224-3231 (2018)
- Yuji Yamakawa, Yutaro Matsui, Akihito Noda, Masatoshi Ishikawa, and Makoto Shimojo: Development of a Sensor Network System with High Sampling Rate Based on Highly Accurate Simultaneous Synchronization of Clock and Data Acquisition and Experimental Verification, micromachines, Vol.9, No.7, Article No.325, pp.1-15 (2018)
- Akihito Noda, Satoshi Tabata, Masatoshi Ishikawa, and Yuji Yamakawa: Synchronized High-Speed Vision Sensor Network for Expansion of Field of View, Sensors, Vol.18, No.4, Article No.1276, pp.1-14 (2018)
- Shouren Huang, Kenta Shinya, Niklas Bergström, Yuji Yamakawa, Tomohiro Yamazaki, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Dynamic compensation robot with a new high-speed vision system for flexible manufacturing, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol.95, Issue9-12, pp.4523-4533 (2018)
- Masahiro Hirano, Akihito Noda, Masatoshi Ishikawa, Yuji Yamakawa: Networked high-speed vision for evasive maneuver assist, ICT Express, Vol.3, Issue4, pp.178-182 (2017)
- Yuji Yamakawa, Akio Namiki, Masatoshi Ishikawa, and Makoto Shimojo: Planning of Knotting Based on Manipulation Skills with Consideration of Robot Mechanism/Motion and Its Realization by a Robot Hand System, symmetry, Vol.9, No.9, Article No.194 (2017)
- Taku Senoo, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Analysis of sliding behavior of a biped robot in centroid acceleration space, Robotica, Vol.35, Issue3, pp.636-653 (2017)
- Yuji Yamakawa, Akio Namiki, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Simplified deformation model and shape generation of a rhythmic gymnastics ribbon using a high-speed multi-jointed manipulator, Mechanical Engineering Journal, Vol.3, No.6, pp.15-00510 (2016)
- Taku Senoo, Masanori Koike, Kenichi Murakami, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Impedance Control Design Based on Plastic Deformation for a Robotic Arm, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, Vol.2, No.1, pp.209-216 (2017)
- Shouren Huang, Niklas Bergström, Yuji Yamakawa, Taku Senoo, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Applying High-Speed Vision Sensing to an Industrial Robot for High-Performance Position Regulation under Uncertainties, Sensors, Vol.16, No.8:1195, pp.1-15 (2016)
- Hyuno Kim, Yuji Yamakawa, Taku Senoo, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Visual encoder: robust and precise measurement method of rotation angle via high-speed RGB vision, Optics Express, Vol.24, Issue 12, pp.13375-13386 (2016)
- Hiroaki Hasegawa, Yosuke Suzuki, Aiguo Ming, Keisuke Koyama, Masatoshi Ishikawa, and Makoto Shimojo: Net-Structure Proximity Sensor: High-Speed and Free-Form Sensor With Analog Computing Circuit, IEEE/ASME TRANSACTIONS ON MECHATRONICS, Vol.20, No.6, pp.3232-3241 (2015)
- Yuji Yamakawa, Akio Namiki, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Analysis and Realization of Card Flicking Manipulation Using a High-speed Robot Hand, International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, Vol.12, Article No.130, pp.1-12 (2015)
- Shouren Huang, Yuji Yamakawa, Taku Senoo, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: A Pre-compensation Fuzzy Logic Algorithm Designed for the Dynamic Compensation Robotic System, International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, Vol.12, No.3, pp.1-12 (2015)
- Shouren Huang, Yuji Yamakawa, Taku Senoo, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Dynamic compensation by fusing a high-speed actuator and high-speed visual feedback with its application to fast peg-and-hole alignment, Advanced Robotics, Vol.28, No.9, pp.613-624 (2014)
- Yuji Yamakawa, Akio Namiki, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Dynamic High-speed Knotting of a Rope by a Manipulator, International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, Vol.10, Article No.361, pp.1-12 (2013)
- Ichiro Miyamoto, Yosuke Suzuki, Aiguo Ming, Masatoshi Ishikawa, and Makoto Shimojo: Basic Study of Touchless Human Interface Using Net Structure Proximity Sensors, J. Robotics and Mechatronics Vol.25, No.3, pp.553-558 (2013)
- Hiroaki Hasegawa, Yosuke Suzuki, Aiguo Ming, Masatoshi Ishikawa, and Makoto Shimojo: Robot Hand Whose Fingertip Covered with Net-Shape Proximity Sensor -Moving Object Tracking Using Proximity Sensing-, Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, Vol.23, No.3, pp.328-337 (2011)
- Masatoshi Ishikawa: Is There Real Fusion between Sensing and Network Technology? - What are the Problems? (Invited Paper), IEICE Transactions on Communications, Vol.E93-B, No.11, pp.2855-2858 (2010)
- Makoto Shimojo, Takuma Araki, Aigou Ming, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: A High-Speed Mesh of Tactile Sensors Fitting Arbitrary Surfaces, IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, Vol.10, No.4, pp.822-830 (2010)
- Seiichi Teshigawara, Kenjiro Tadakuma, Aiguo Ming, Masatoshi Ishikawa, and Makoto Shimojo: High Speed and High Sensitivity Slip Sensor Utilizing Characteristics of Conductive Rubber Relationship Between Shear Deformation of Conductive Rubber and Resistance Change, J. Robotics and Mechatronics Vol.21 No.2, pp.200-208 (2009)
- Alvaro Cassinelli, Stephane Perrin, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Smart Laser-Scanner for 3D Human-Machine Interface, ACM SIGCHI 2005 (Portland, 4.2-7)
- Naoko Ogawa, Yutaka Sakaguchi, Akio Namiki, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Adaptive Acquisition of Dynamics Matching in Sensory-Motor Fusion System, Electronics and Communications in Japan (Part III: Fundamental Electronic Science), Vol.89, No.7, pp.19-30 (2006)
- Mitsuru Higashimori , Makoto Kaneko, Akio Namiki, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Design of the 100G capturing robot based on dynamic preshaping, International Journal of Robotics Research, Vol.24, No.9, pp.743-753 (2005)
- Makoto Shimojo, Akio Namiki, Masatoshi Ishikawa, Ryota Makino, and Kunihiko Mabuchi: A Tactile Sensor Sheet Using Pressure Conductive Rubber With Electrical-Wires Stitched Method, IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, Vol.4, No.5, pp.589-596 (2004) [Most Cited from All Time by April 2014 (No.8)], [25 Most Accessed Articles - April 2012 (No.15), June 2012 (No.10), and April 2014 (No.22)], [50 Most Accessed Articles - September 2014 (No.37), October 2014 (No.10), September 2016 (No.49), October 2016 (No.21)]
- Makoto Kaneko, Mitsuru Higashimori, Reika Takenaka, Akio Namiki, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: The 100G Capturing Robot -- Too fast to see, IEEE/ASME Trans. on Mechatronics, Vol.8, No.1, pp.37-44 (2003)
- Yoshihiro Nakabo, Idaku Ishii, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Moment feature-based 3-D tracking, Advanced Robotics, vol.17, no.10, pp.1041-1056 (2003)
- Akio Namiki, Koichi Hashimoto, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Hierarchical Control Architecture for High-speed Visual Servoing, The International Journal of Robotics Research, vol.22, no.10, pp.873-888 (2003)
- Akio Namiki, Takashi Komuro, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: High-speed sensory-motor fusion for robotic grasping, Measurement Science and Technology, Vol.13, No.11, pp.1767-1778 (2002)
- Akio Namiki, Takashi Komuro, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: High Speed Sensory-Motor Fusion Based on Dynamics Matching, Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol.90, No.7, pp.1178-1187 (2002)
- Akio Namiki, Yoshihiro Nakabo, Idaku Ishii, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: 1ms Sensory-Motor Fusion System, IEEE Transactions On Mechatoronics, Vol.5, No.3, pp.244-252 (2000)
- Toshiharu Mukai, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: An Active Sensing Method Using Estimated Errors for Multisensor Fusion Systems, IEEE Trans. IES, Vol.43, No.3, pp.380-386 (1996)
- Toshihiro Aono, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Auditory-Visual Fusion Using Multi-Input Hidden Markov Model, Robotics, Mechatronics and Manufacturing Systems (T.Takamori and K.Tsuchiya Eds.), pp.177-184, Elsevier (1993)
- Haruyoshi Toyoda, Naohisa Mukohzaka, Yoshiji Suzuki, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Adaptive optical processing system with optical associative memory, Appl. Opt., Vol.32, No.8, pp.1354-1358 (1993)
- Masatoshi Ishikawa: Active Sensor System Using Parallel Processing Circuits, J. Robotics and Mechatronics, Vol.5, No.1, pp.31-37 (1993)
- Masatoshi Ishikawa: The Sensor Fusion System Mechanisms for Integration of Sensory Information, Advanced Robotics, Vol.6, No.3, pp.335-344 (1992)
- Masatoshi Ishikawa: Parallel Processing for Sensory Information, Electronics and Communications in Japan, Part 2, Vol.75, No.2, pp.28-43 (1992)
- Akio Utsugi, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Learning of Linear Associative Mapping by Latticed Network Circuits, Systems and Computers in Japan, Vol.22, No.2, pp.56-65 (1991)
- Akio Utsugi, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Construction of Inner Space Representation of Latticed Network Circuits by Learning, Neural Networks, Vol.4, pp.81-87 (1991)
- Makoto Shimojo, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Thin and Flexible Position Sensor, J. Robo. Mech., Vol.2, No.1, pp.38-41 (1990)
- Shouren Huang, Yuji Yamakawa, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Dynamic Compensation Framework to Improve the Autonomy of Industrial Robots, Industrial Robotics-New Paradigms, IntechOpen, pp.1-19 (2019)
- Yuji Yamakawa, Shouren Huang, Akio Namiki, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Toward Dynamic Manipulation of Flexible Objects by High-Speed Robot System: From Static to Dynamic, Dynamic Modelling and Control of Robotic Interaction, IntechOpen, pp.1-21 (2019)
- Akio Namiki, Taku Senoo, Satoru Mizusawa and Masatoshi Ishikawa: High-speed Visual Feedback Control for Grasping and Manipulation, Visual Servoing via Advanced Numerical Methods (G. Chesi and K. Hashimoto Eds.), pp.39-53, Springer (2010)
- Taku Senoo, Akio Namiki and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Ball Control in High-speed Throwing Motion Based on Kinetic Chain Approach, Robotics 2010 Current and Future Challenges (H. Abdellatif Ed.), pp.109-122, INTECH (2010)
- Yuji Yamakawa, Akio Namiki, Masatoshi Ishikawa and Makoto Shimojo: Knotting a Flexible Rope using a High-speed Multifingered Hand System based on Synthesis of Knotting Manipulation Skills, Robotics 2010 Current and Future Challenges (H. Abdellatif Ed.), pp.149-166, INTECH (2010)
- Satoru Mizusawa, Akio Namiki, Taku Senoo and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Tweezers Type Tool Manipulation by a Multifingered Hand Using a High-speed Visual Servoing, Cutting Edge Robotics 2010 (Vedran Kordic Ed.), pp.395-410, INTECH (2010)
- Koichi Hashimoto, Akio Namiki, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Visuomotor Architecture for High-Speed Robot Control, Control and Modeling of Complex Systems (Koichi Hashimoto, Yasuaki Oishi and Yutaka Yamamoto Eds.), pp.323-337, Birkhauser (2002.9)
- Akio Namiki, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Vision-Based Online Trajectory Generation and Its Application to Catching, Control Problems in Robotics (A.Bicchi, H.I.Christensen, and D. Prattichizzo Eds.), pp.249-264, Springer (2002)
- Masatoshi Ishikawa, Takashi Komuro, Akio Namiki, and Idaku Ishii: 1ms Sensory-Motor Fusion System, Robotics Research (J.M.Hollerbach and D.E.Koditschek eds.), pp.359-364, Springer (2000.6)
- Masatoshi Ishikawa: Sensor Fusion : The State of the Art, Intelligent Sensors (ed. Hiro Yamasaki), Elsevier, pp.273-283 (1996)
- Masatoshi Ishikawa, and Makoto Shimojo: Tactile Systems, Intelligent Sensors (ed. Hiro Yamasaki), Elsevier, pp.165-176 (1996)
- Toshihiro Aono, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Auditory-Visual Fusion Using Multi-Input Hidden Markov Model, Robotics, Mechatronics and Manufacturing Systems (T.Takamori and K.Tsuchiya Eds.), pp.177-184, Elsevier (1993)
Review Papers
- Taku Senoo, Yuji Yamakawa, Shouren Huang, Keisuke Koyama, Makoto Shimojo, Yoshihiro Watanabe, Leo Miyashita, Masahiro Hirano, Tomohiro Sueishi, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Dynamic Intelligent Systems Based on High-Speed Vision, Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, Vol.31, No.1, pp.45-56 (2019)
- Taku Senoo, Yuji Yamakawa, Yoshihiro Watanabe, Hiromasa Oku, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: High-Speed Vision and its Application Systems, Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, Vol.26, No.3, pp.287-301 (2014)
- Masatoshi Ishikawa, Takashi Komuro, Yoshihiro Nakabo, and Akio Namiki: The 1ms-Vision System and Its Application Examples, Workshop: Innovative Sensory-Motor Fusion Opens a New Robotic World (Organizers : Masatoshi Ishikawa, Makoto Kaneko), 2002 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, (Washington D.C. 2002.5.11)
- Makoto Kaneko, Toshio Tsuji, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Design of Capturing System with 100G, Workshop: Innovative Sensory-Motor Fusion Opens a New Robotic World (Organizers: Masatoshi Ishikawa, Makoto Kaneko), 2002 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (Washington D.C. 2002.5.11)
- Masatoshi Ishikawa: Robot Sensors with Parallel Processing Capabilities, International Journal of the Japan Society for Precision Engineering, Vol.29, No.3, pp.201-204 (1995)
- Masatoshi Ishikawa: Sensor Fusion, The State of the Art, J. Robotics and Mechatronics, Vol.2, No.4, pp.235-244 (1991)
- Masatoshi Ishikawa: Optical Neurocomputing - Optical Associative Memory with Learning Capabilities -, Now and Future, Vol.5, 1990-1, pp.4-6 (1990)
- M.Ishikawa: Tactile Sensors in Robotics, Now and Future, Vol.4, No.3, pp.11-12 (1988)
Invited Talks and Tutorials
- Masatoshi Ishikawa: High-speed Robots Based on High-speed Visual Feedback, Workshop on Agile Robotics, 2024 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2024) (Yokohama, 2024.5.13)
- Taku Senoo: High-speed Sensory Feedback Control for Dexterous Robotic Limbs, Asia Pacific Society for Computing and Information Technology 2019 (APSCIT 2019) (Sapporo, 2019.7.27)/Proceedings, No.101, Abstract ID: 10
- Keisuke Koyama: High-Speed High-Precision Proximity Sensor for Detection of Tilt, Distance and Contact, International Conference on Soft Computing and Machine Learning (SCML2019) (Wuhan, 2019.4.28)/SCML 2019 Abstract Collection, pp.17-18
- Taku Senoo, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: High-speed Robotic Handling and Running Based on Sensory-Motor Integration, International Conference on Soft Computing and Machine Learning (SCML2019) (Wuhan, 2019.4.28)/SCML 2019 Abstract Collection, p.17
- Keisuke Koyama: Reactive Control for High-Speed Grasping Using Optical Proximity Sensors, 1st Workshop on Proximity Perception in Robotics, 2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2018) (Madrid, 2018.10.1)
- Zhiqiang Hu, Tao Yu, Shouren Huang, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Dynamic SpectraFormer for Ultra-High-Definition Underwater Image Enhancement, 2024 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2024) (Abu Dhabi, 2024.10.17)/Proceedings, pp.8633-8640
- Sune Lundø Sørensen, Shouren Huang, Yongpeng Cao, and Mikkel Baun Kjærgaard: Perceptual Anchoring for Gaze-tracking Wearables and Robot-mounted Sensors, 2024 21st International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots (UR2024) (New York, 2024.6.25)/Proceedings, pp.71-76
- Shouren Huang, Yongpeng Cao, Kenichi Murakami, Masatoshi Ishikawa, and Yuji Yamakawa: Human-Robot Interaction and Collaboration Utilizing Voluntary Bimanual Coordination, The 2023 IEEE Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC2023) (Honolulu, 2023.10.2)/Proceedings, pp.1044-1051
- Shouren Huang, Sune Lundø Sørensen, and Yongpeng Cao: Robotic Assistance to Reconnect the Daily Life Interactions for Sensing, Locomotion and Manipulation from Paralysis, 32nd IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN2023), Robot Design Competitions, (Busan, 2023.8.30)
- Shouren Huang, Sune Lundø Sørensen, Yongpeng Cao, Masatoshi Ishikawa, Mikkel Baun Kjærgaard, and Yuji Yamakawa: Robotic Assistance for Extended Sensing, Locomotion and Manipulation by Gaze Control, 32nd IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN2023) (Busan, 2023.8.29)/TuPO.02
- Taku Senoo, Atsushi Konno, Yunzhuo Wang, Masahiro Hirano, Norimasa Kishi, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Automotive Tracking with High-speed Stereo Vision Based on a Spatiotemporal Shared Filter, the 2022 26th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing (ICSTCC2022) (Sinaia, 2022.10.21)/Proceedings, pp.613-618
- Hiromichi Kawahara, Taku Senoo, Idaku Ishii, Masahiro Hirano, Norimasa Kishi, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: High-speed tracking for overlapped vehicles using Instance Segmentation and contour deformation, 2022 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration (SII2022) (Narvik, 2022.1.11 [online])/Proceedings, pp.730-735
- Mamoru Oka, Kenichi Murakami, Shouren Huang, Hirofumi Sumi, Masatoshi Ishikawa, and Yuji Yamakawa: High-speed Manipulation of Continuous Spreading and Aligning a Suspended Towel-like Object, 2022 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration (SII2022) (Narvik, 2022.1.10 [online])/Proceedings, pp.7-12
- Masahiro Hirano, Yuji Yamakawa, Taku Senoo, Norimasa Kishi, Masatoshi Ishikawa: Multiple Scale Aggregation with Patch Multiplexing for High-speed Inter-vehicle Distance Estimation, 32nd IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV21) (Nagoya, 2021.7.12 [online])/Proceedings, pp.1436-1443
- Shouren Huang, Keisuke Koyama, Masatoshi Ishikawa, and Yuji Yamakawa: Human-Robot Collaboration with Force Feedback Utilizing Bimanual Coordination, 2021 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI2021) (Boulder, 2021.3.11 [online])/Proceedings, pp.234-238
- Satoshi Tanaka, Keisuke Koyama, Taku Senoo, Makoto Shimojo, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: High-speed Hitting Grasping with Magripper, a Highly Backdrivable Gripper using Magnetic Gear and Plastic Deformation Control, 2020 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2020) (Las Vegas, 2020.10.25 [online])/Proceedings, pp.9137-9143 [IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Japan Joint Chapter Young Award]
- Ryosuke Higo, Taku Senoo, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Dynamic In-Hand Regrasping Using a High-Speed Robot Hand and High-Speed Vision, 1st Virtual IFAC World Congress (IFAC-V2020) (Berlin, 2020.7.13 [online])/Proceedings, pp.985:1-985:6
- Fumiya Shimada, Kenichi Murakami, Taku Senoo, and Masatoshi Ishikawa, Bolt loosening detection using multi-purpose robot hand, The 2020 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM2020) (Boston, 2020.7.9 [online])/Proceedings, pp.1860-1866
- Kenichi Murakami, Koki Ishimoto, Taku Senoo, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Robot Hand Interaction Using Plastic Deformation Control with Inner Position Loop, The 2020 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM2020) (Boston, 2020.7.9 [online])/Proceedings, pp.1748-1753
- Satoshi Tanaka, Keisuke Koyama, Taku Senoo, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Adaptive Visual Shock Absorber with Visual-based Maxwell Model Using Magnetic Gear, 2020 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA2020) (Paris, 2020.6.2 [online])/Proceedings, pp.6163-6168
- Hyuno Kim, Yuji Yamakawa, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Robust hand tracking method by synchronized high-speed cameras with orthogonal geometry, 2020 IEEE Sensors Applications Symposium (SAS2020) (Kuala Lumpur, 2020.3.20 [online])/Proceedings, pp.1-5
- Seohyun Lee, Hyuno Kim, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Deep Learning Approach to Face Pose Estimation for High-Speed Camera Network System, IEEE The 2nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Information and Communication (ICAIIC2020) (Fukuoka, 2020.2.19)/Proceedings, pp.84-88
- Satoshi Tanaka, Taku Senoo, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Non-stop Handover of Parcel to Airborne UAV Based on High-speed Visual Object Tracking, 19th International Conference on Advanced Robotics (ICAR) (Belo Horizonte, 2019.12.3)/Proceedings, Tu1T2.1, pp.414-419
- Satoshi Tanaka, Taku Senoo, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: High-speed UAV Delivery System with Non-stop Parcel Handover Using High-speed Visual Control, IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC2019) (Auckland, 2019.10.30)/Proceedings, pp.4449-4455
- Shouren Huang, Masatoshi Ishikawa, and Yuji Yamakawa: Human-Robot Interaction and Collaborative Manipulation with Multimodal Perception Interface for Human, the 7th annual International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction (HAI2019) (Kyoto, 2019.10.9)/Proceedings, pp.289-291
- Yukihisa Karako, Shinji Kawakami, Keisuke Koyama, Makoto Shimojo, Taku Senoo, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: High-Speed Ring Insertion by Dynamic Observable Contact Hand, 2019 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA2019) (Montreal, 2019.5.20)/Proceedings, pp.2744-2750
- Keisuke Koyama, Kenichi Murakami, Taku Senoo, Makoto Shimojo, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: High-Speed, Small-Deformation Catching of Soft Objects Based on Active Vision and Proximity Sensing, 2019 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA2019) (Montreal, 2019.5.20)/Proceedings, pp.578-585
- Hyuno Kim, Ryo Ito, Seohyun Lee, Yuji Yamakawa, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Simulation of Face Pose Tracking System using Adaptive Vision Switching, 2019 IEEE Sensors Applications Symposium (SAS2019) (Sophia Antipolis, 2019.3.11)/Proceedings, pp.1-6
- Yuji Yamakawa, Yutaro Matsui, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Development and Analysis of a High-speed Human-Robot Collaborative System and its Application, 2018 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO2018)(Kuala Lumpur, 2018.12.15)/Proceedings, pp.2415-2420
- Kenichi Murakami, Shouren Huang, Hirofumi Sumi, Masatoshi Ishikawa, and Yuji Yamakawa: Towel-Like Object Alignment with Human-Robot Cooperation and High-Speed Robotic Manipulation, 2018 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO2018) (Kuala Lumpur, 2018.12.13)/Proceedings, pp.772-777
- Taku Senoo, Kenichi Murakami, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Robotic Physical Interaction Using Deformation Control Based on the Zener Model, 2018 IEEE International Conference on Cyborg and Bionic Systems (CBS2018) (Shenzhen, 2018.10.27)/Proceedings, pp.445-448
- Shouren Huang, Kenichi Murakami, Takanori Akiyama, Sho Tatsuno, Tomohiko Hayakawa, Masatoshi Ishikawa, and Yuji Yamakawa: Experimental Study on Set-Point Regulation of Human Elbow Joint by Electric Stimulation Under Various Visual Feedback Rate, 2018 IEEE International Conference on Cyborg and Bionic Systems (CBS2018) (Shenzhen, 2018.10.27)/Proceedings, pp.430-434
- Yuji Yamakawa, Yutaro Matsui, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Human-Robot Collaborative Manipulation Using a High-speed Robot Hand and a High-speed Camera, 2018 IEEE International Conference on Cyborg and Bionic Systems (CBS2018) (Shenzhen, 2018.10.27)/Proceedings, pp.426-429
- Shouren Huang, Masatoshi Ishikawa, and Yuji Yamakawa: An Active Assistant Robotic System based on High-Speed Vision and Haptic Feedback for Human-Robot Collaboration, The 44th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON2018) (Washington DC, 2018.10.22)/Proceedings, pp.3649-3654
- Osamu Kojima, Shouren Huang, Kenichi Murakami, Masatoshi Ishikawa, and Yuji Yamakawa: Human-robot interaction system for micromanipulation assistance, The 44th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON2018) (Washington DC, 2018.10.22)/Proceedings, pp.3256-3261
- Yuji Yamakawa, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Dynamical Robotic Interaction Using High-speed Visual Feedback and High-speed Robot Hand, Workshop on Human-Robot Cooperation and Collaboration in Manipulation: Advancements and Challenges, 2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2018) (Madrid, 2018.10.5)
- Shouren Huang, Masatoshi Ishikawa, and Yuji Yamakawa: Human-Robot Collaboration with Robotic Assistance Confined to Local Motion to Assure Human Safety, Workshop on Human-Robot Cooperation and Collaboration in Manipulation: Advancements and Challenges, 2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2018) (Madrid, 2018.10.5)
- Ryosuke Higo, Yuji Yamakawa, Taku Senoo, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Rubik's Cube Handling Using a High-Speed Multi-Fingered Hand and a High-Speed Vision System, 2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2018) (Madrid, 2018.10.4)/Proceedings, pp.6609-6614
- Keisuke Koyama, Makoto Shimojo, Taku Senoo, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: High-Speed High-Precision Proximity Sensor for Detection of Tilt, Distance, and Contact, 2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2018) (Madrid, 2018.10.3)/Proceedings, pp.3224-3231
- Shouren Huang, Masatoshi Ishikawa, and Yuji Yamakawa: Human-Robot Collaboration based on Dynamic Compensation: from Micro-manipulation to Macro-manipulation, 27th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN2018) (Nanjing, 2018.8.28)/Proceedings, pp.603-604
- Hyuno Kim, Masatoshi Ishikawa, and Yuji Yamakawa: Reference Broadcast Frame Synchronization for Distributed High-speed Camera Network, 2018 IEEE Sensors Applications Symposium (SAS2018) (Seoul, 2018.3.14)/Proceedings, pp.389-393
- Kenta Kajihara, Shouren Huang, Niklas Bergström, Yuji Yamakawa, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Tracking of Trajectory with Dynamic Deformation Based on Dynamic Compensation Concept, 2017 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO2017) (Macau, 2017.12.8)/Proceedings, pp.1979-1984
- Yutaro Matsui, Akihito Noda, Yuji Yamakawa, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Development of a high-speed sensor network system with multiple sensors using simultaneous clock synchronizations, SICE Annual Conference 2017 (SICE2017) (Kanazawa, 2017.9.22)/Proceedings, pp.1595-1596
- Kenichi Murakami, Lihui Wang, Tomohiko Hayakawa, Taku Senoo, Masatoshi Ishikawa: Catching Robot Hand System in Dynamic Depth Variation with a Rotating Variable Focusing Unit, OSA Frontiers in Optics 2017 (FiO2017) (Washington D.C., 2017.9.19)/Proceedings Frontiers in Optics 2017, JTu2A.52
- Koichiro Ito, Yuji Yamakawa, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Winding Manipulator Based on High-speed Visual Feedback Control, 2017 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA) (Hawaii, 2017.8.28)/Proceedings, pp.474-480
- Taku Senoo, Kenichi Murakami, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Deformable Robot Behavior based on the Standard Linear Solid Model, 2017 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA) (Hawaii, 2017.8.28)/Proceedings, pp.746-751
- Yutaro Matsui, Yuji Yamakawa, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Cooperative Operation between a Human and a Robot based on Real-Time Measurement of Location and Posture of Target Object by High-speed Vision, 2017 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA) (Hawaii, 2017.8.28)/Proceedings, pp.457-462
- Niklas Bergström, Yuji Yamakawa, Shouren Huang, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Accurate High-Speed 3D Reconstruction Using an Array of Networked Cameras, The 7th Annual IEEE International Conference on Cyber Technology in Automation, Control and Intelligent Systems (IEEE-CYBER2017) (Hawaii, 2017.8.3)/Proceedings, pp.1572-1575
- Shouren Huang, Niklas Bergström, Yuji Yamakawa, Taku Senoo, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Robotic Contour Tracing with High-Speed Vision and Force-Torque Sensing based on Dynamic Compensation Scheme, The 20th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control(IFAC2017) (Toulouse, 2017.7.11)/Proceedings, pp.4702-4708
- Hiroshi Sato, Yuji Yamakawa, Taku Senoo, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Development of a High-speed, High-accuracy Robot Hand for Micromanipulation, 2016 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO2016) (Qingdao, 2016.12.6)/Proceedings, pp.1535-1541
- Masanori Koike, Taku Senoo, Kenichi Murakami, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Plastic Deformation Control Based on Time-varying Impedance Adjustment, 2016 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO2016) (Qingdao, 2016.12.4)/Proceedings, pp.106-111
- Yuji Yamakawa, Yuki Ataka, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Development of a Brachiation Robot with Hook-shaped End Effectors and Realization of Brachiation Motion with a Simple Strategy, 2016 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO2016) (Qingdao, 2016.12.4)/Proceedings, pp.737-742
- Taku Senoo, Yuuki Horiuchi, Yoshinobu Nakanishi, Kenichi Murakami, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Robotic Pitching by Rolling Ball on Fingers for a Randomly Located Target, 2016 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO2016) (Qingdao, 2016.12.4)/Proceedings, pp.325-330 [T. J. Tarn Best Paper in Robotics Award]
- Niklas Bergström, Shouren Huang, Yuji Yamakawa, Taku Senoo, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Towards Assistive Human-Robot Micro Manipulation, 2016 IEEE-RAS 16th International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids2016) (Cancun, 2016.11.17)/Proceedings, pp.1188-1195
- Wataru Tooyama, Shouren Huang, Kenichi Murakami, Yuji Yamakawa, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Development of an Assistive System for Position Control of a Human Hand with High Speed and High Accuracy, 2016 IEEE-RAS 16th International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids2016) (Cancun, 2016.11.16)/Proceedings, pp.230-235
- Shouren Huang, Niklas Bergström, Yuji Yamakawa, Taku Senoo, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: High-Speed Visual Feedback for Realizing High-Performance Robotic Manipulation, The 31st International Congress on High-Speed Imaging and Photonics (ICHSIP-31) (Osaka, 2016.11.10)/Proceedings, pp.706-711
- Yuji Yamakawa, Akihito Noda, Masatoshi Ishikawa, and Makoto Shimojo: Integration of High-speed Visual and Tactile Sensors with Synchronization in a Sensor Network System, IEEE SENSORS 2016 (Orlando, 2016.11.2)/Proceedings, pp.1703-1705
- Kenichi Murakami, Yuji Yamakawa, Taku Senoo, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Rolling Manipulation for Throwing Breaking Balls by Changing Grasping Forms, 2016 IEEE INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS CONFERENCE (IECON2016) (Florence, 2016.10.26)/Proceedings, pp.791-796
- Taku Senoo, Gaku Jinnai, Kenichi Murakami, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Deformation Control of a Multijoint Manipulator Based on Maxwell and Voigt Models, 2016 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2016) (Daejeon, 2016.10.12)/Proceedings, pp.2711-2716
- Koichiro Ito, Tomohiro Sueishi, Yuji Yamakawa, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Tracking and Recognition of a Human Hand in Dynamic Motion for Janken (rock-paper-scissors) Robot, 2016 IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE2016) (Fort Worth, 2016.8.24)/Proceedings, pp.891-896
- Yuji Yamakawa, Kazunori Odani, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Sonic-speed Manipulation of a Bull Whip Using a Robot Manipulator, 2016 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM2016) (Banff, Alberta, 2016.7.13)/Proceedings, pp.1139-1144
- Hyuno Kim, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: High-speed Distributed Camera Network Based on Message Passing Interface, 2016 19th International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION2016) (Heidelberg, 2016.7.8)/Proceedings, pp.1768-1773
- Shouren Huang, Niklas Bergström, Yuji Yamakawa, Taku Senoo, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: High-Performance Robotic Contour Tracking based on the Dynamic Compensation Concept, 2016 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA2016) (Stockholm, 2016.5.18)/Proceedings, pp.3886-3893
- Kenichi Murakami, Yuji Yamakawa, Taku Senoo, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Motion Planning for Catching a Light-weight Ball with High-speed Visual Feedback, 2015 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO2015) (Zhuhai, 2015.12.7)/Proceedings, pp.339-344 [Finalist of Best Student Paper Award]
- Masanori Koike, Kenichi Murakami, Taku Senoo, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Visual Shock Absorber Based on Plastic Deformation Control, 2015 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO2015) (Zhuhai, 2015.12.7)/Proceedings, pp.656-661
- Yugo Katsuki, Yuji Yamakawa, Masatoshi Ishikawa, and Makoto Shimojo: High-speed Sensing of Softness during Grasping Process by Robot Hand Equipped with Tactile Sensor, IEEE SENSORS 2015 (Busan, 2015.11.4)/Proceedings, pp.1693-1696
- Shouren Huang, Yuji Yamakawa, Taku Senoo, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Robotic Needle Threading Manipulation based on High-Speed Motion Strategy using High-Speed Visual Feedback, 2015 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2015) (Hamburg, 2015.9.30)/Proceedings, pp.4041-4046
- Yugo Katsuki, Yuji Yamakawa, Yoshihiro Watanabe, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Development of Fast-Response Master-Slave System Using High-speed Non-contact 3D Sensing and High-speed Robot Hand, 2015 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2015) (Hamburg, 2015.9.29)/Proceedings, pp.1236-1241
- Taku Senoo, Masanori Koike, Kenichi Murakami, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Visual Shock Absorber Based on Maxwell Model for Anti-Rebound Control, 2015 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2015) (Hamburg, 2015.9.29)/Proceedings, pp.1640-1645
- Hyuno Kim, Yuji Yamakawa, Taku Senoo, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Robotic Manipulation of Rotating Object via Twisted Thread Using High-Speed Visual Sensing and Feedback, 2015 IEEE International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems (MFI2015) (San Diego, 2015.9.16)/Proceedings, pp.265-270
- Shouren Huang, Yuji Yamakawa, Taku Senoo, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Realizing 1D Robotic Catching Without Prediction Based on Dynamic Compensation Concept, 2015 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM2015) (Busan, 2015.7.10)/Proceedings, pp.1629-1634
- Yuji Yamakawa, Kazuki Kuno, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Human-Robot Cooperative Task Realization Using High-speed Robot Hand System, 2015 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM2015) (Busan, 2015.7.8)/Proceedings, pp.281-286
- Chris Raabe, Niklas Bergström, Emad Saad, John Vian, Masatoshi Ishikawa, and Shinji Suzuki: Robust Autonomous Navigation in a Factory Environment, International Conference on Aeronautical, Robotics and Manufacturing Engineering (ARME2015) (Bangkok, 2015.6.15)/Proceedings, pp.72-79
- Niklas Bergström, Chris Raabe, Kenjiro Saito, Emad Saad, and John Vian: Sensitivity Study for Feature-Based Monocular 3D SLAM, 2015 IEEE Aerospace Conference (Montana, 2015.3.9)/Proceedings, pp.1-14
- Yugo Katsuki, Yuji Yamakawa, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: High-speed Human/Robot Hand Interaction System --Rock-Paper-Scissors Robot System with 100% Winning Rate, 2015 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) (Portland, 2015.3.4)/Proceedings, pp.117-118
- Yugo Katsuki, Yuji Yamakawa, Yoshihiro Watanabe, Masatoshi Ishikawa, and Makoto Shimojo: Super-Low-Latency Telemanipulation Using High-Speed Vision and High-Speed Multifingered Robot Hand, 2015 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) (Portland, 2015.3.3)/Proceedings, pp.45-46
- Yuji Yamakawa, Kazuki Kuno, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Throwing and Shooting Manipulations of Playing Cards using a High-Speed Multifingered Hand and a Vision System, 2014 IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids2014)/Proceedings, pp.92-98
- Tomoki Tamada, Wataru Ikarashi, Daiki Yoneyama, Kazuhito Tanaka, Yuji Yamakawa, Taku Senoo, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: High-speed Bipedal Robot Running Using High-speed Visual Feedback, 2014 IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids2014)/Proceedings, pp.140-145
- Akihito Noda, Yuji Yamakawa, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Target Tracking Behind Occlusions Using a Networked High-Speed Vision System, IEEE SENSORS 2014 (Valencia, 2014.11.5)/Proceedings, pp.2018-2021
- Akihito Noda, Yuji Yamakawa, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Frame Synchronization for Networked High-Speed Vision Systems, IEEE SENSORS 2014 (Valencia, 2014.11.3)/Proceedings, pp.269-272
- Chris Raabe, Niklas Bergström, Emad Saad, John Vian, Masatoshi Ishikawa, and Shinji Suzuki: Efficient Alignment of Position Measurements with Differing Reference Frames, Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Aerospace Technology (APISAT2014) (2014.9.)
- Taku Senoo, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Planar Sliding Analysis of a Biped Robot in Centroid Acceleration Space, 2014 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (Chicago, 2014.9.17)/Proceedings, pp.4050-4056
- Masahiro Hirano, Akihito Noda, Yuji Yamakawa, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Collision Avoidance of Intelligent Vehicle based on Networked High-speed Vision System, 11th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO2014) (Vienna, 2014.9.1)/Proceedings, Vol.2, pp.539-544
- Hyuno Kim, Yuji Yamakawa, Taku Senoo, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Manipulation Model of Thread-Rotor Object by a Robotic Hand for High-speed Visual Feedback Control, 2014 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM2014) (2014.7.9)/Proceedings, pp.924-930
- Akihito Noda, Masahiro Hirano, Yuji Yamakawa, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: A Networked High-Speed Vision System for Vehicle Tracking, 2014 IEEE Sensors Applications Symposium (SAS2014) (Queenstown, 2014.2.20)/Proceedings, pp.343-348
- Akihito Noda, Yuji Yamakawa, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: High-Speed Object Tracking Across Multiple Networked Cameras, 2013 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration (SII 2013) (Kobe, 2013.12.17)/Proceedings, pp.913-918
- Tomoki Tamada, Yuji Yamakawa, Taku Senoo, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: High-Speed Manipulation of Cable Connector Using a High-Speed Robot Hand, 2013 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO2013), (Shenzhen, 2013.12.14)/Proceedings, pp.1598-1604
- Yuji Yamakawa, Shisei Nakano, Taku Senoo, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Dynamic Manipulation of a Thin Circular Flexible Object using a High-Speed Multifingered Hand and High-speed Vision, 2013 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO2013), (Shenzhen, 2013.12.14)/Proceedings, pp.1851-1857
- Shouren Huang, Kenichi Murakami, Yuji Yamakawa, Taku Senoo, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Fast Peg-and-Hole Alignment Using Visual Compliance, 2013 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2013) (Tokyo, 2013.11.4)/Proceedings, pp.286-292
- Yuji Yamakawa, Yoshiyuki Tabata, Taku Senoo and Masatoshi Ishikawa: 3D Shape Reconstruction of an Object based on its Silhouette using a High-speed Vision, SICE Annual Conference 2013 (Nagoya, 2013.9.17)/Proceedings, pp.1966-1971
- Taku Senoo, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Two-Dimensional Analysis of Dynamic Biped Locomotion Based on Feet Slip, 2013 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM 013) (Wollongong, 2013.7.10)/Proceedings, pp.512-517
- Shouren Huang, Yuji Yamakawa, Taku Senoo, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Realizing Peg-and-Hole Alignment with One Eye-in-Hand High-Speed Camera, 2013 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM 2013) (Wollongong, 2013.7.11)/Proceedings, pp.1127-1132
- Sha Ye, Kenji Suzuki, Yosuke Suzuki, Masatoshi Ishikawa, and Makoto Shimojo: Robust Robotic Grasping Using IR Net-Structure Proximity Sensor to Handle Objects with Unknown Position and Attitude, 2013 IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA2013) (Karlsruhe, 2013.5.8)/Proceedings, pp.3256-3263
- Yuji Yamakawa, Akio Namiki, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Dexterous Manipulation of a Rhythmic Gymnastics Ribbon with Constant, High-Speed Motion of a High-Speed Manipulator, 2013 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA2013) (Karlsruhe, 2013.5.7)/Proceedings, pp.1888-1893
- Niklas Bergström,Carl Henrik Ek, Danica Kragic, Yuji Yamakawa, Taku Senoo, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: On-line learning of temporal state models for flexible objects, 2012 12TH IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robotics (Humanoids2012) (Osaka, 2012.12.1)/Proceedings, pp.712-718
- Masatoshi Ishikawa, Akio Namiki, Taku Senoo, and Yuji Yamakawa: Ultra High-speed Robot Based on 1 kHz Vision System, 2012 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2012) (Vilamoura, 2012.10.11)/Proceedings, pp.5460-5461 [Best IROS Jubilee Video Award]
- Yuji Yamakawa, Akio Namiki, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Card Manipulation using a High-speed Robot System with High-speed Visual Feedback, 2012 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2012) (Vilamoura, 2012.10.10)/Proceedings, pp.4762-4767
- Taku Senoo, Mitsuhiro Takano, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Dynamic Horizontal Movement of a Bipedal Robot Using Frictional Asymmetry, 2012 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2012) (Vilamoura, 2012.10.9)/Proceedings, pp.1834-1839
- Yuji Yamakawa, Akio Namiki, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Simple Model and Deformation Control of a Flexible Rope using Constant, High-Speed Motion of a Robot Arm, 2012 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA2012) (St. Paul, 2012.5.16)/Proceedings, pp.2249-2254
- Kenichi Murakami, Taku Senoo, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: High-speed Catching Based on Inverse Motion Approach, 2011 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO2011) (Phuket, 2011.12.9)/Proceedings, pp.1308-1313
- Taku Senoo, Daiki Yoneyama, Akio Namiki, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Tweezers Manipulation Using High-speed Visual Servoing Based on Contact Analysis, 2011 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO2011) (Phuket, 2011.12.9)/Proceedings, pp.1936-1941
- Yuji Yamakawa, Akio Namiki, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Dynamic Manipulation of a Cloth by High-speed Robot System using High-speed Visual Feedback, the 18th IFAC World Congress (Milano, 2011.8.31)/Proceedings, pp.8076-8081
- Yuji Yamakawa, Akio Namiki, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Motion Planning for Dynamic Folding of a Cloth with Two High-speed Robot Hands and Two High-speed Sliders, 2011 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA2011) (Shanghai, 2011.5.12)/Proceedings, pp.5486-5491
- Seiichi Teshigawara, Takahiro Tsutsumi, Satoru Shimizu, Yosuke Suzuki, Aiguo Ming, Masatoshi Ishikawa, and Makoto Shimojo: Highly Sensitive Sensor for Detection of Initial Slip and Its Application in a Multi-fingered Robot Hand, 2011 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA2011) (Shanghai, 2011.5.10)/Proceedings, pp.1097-1102
- Masatoshi Ishikawa: Dynamic Information Space based on High-speed Sensor Technology, JST Open Café (Singapore, 2011.3.21)
- Masatoshi Ishikawa: Dynamic Information Space based on High-speed Sensor Technology, JST Workshop in conjunction with ISVRI 2011 (International Symposium on VR Innovation) (Singapore, 2011.3.20)
- Taku Senoo, Yuichi Tanno, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Jumping Patterns Analysis for 1-DOF Two-legged Robot, 2010 11th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV2010) (Singapore, 2010.12.8)/Proceedings, pp.603-608
- Yuji Yamakawa, Akio Namiki, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Motion Planning for Dynamic Knotting of a Flexible Rope with a High-speed Robot Arm, 2010 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2010) (Taipei, 2010.10.19)/Proceedings, pp.49-54 [IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Japan Chapter Young Award]
- Taku Senoo, Daiki Yoneyama, Akio Namiki, Masatoshi Ishikawa: Tweezers-type Tool Manipulation By a High-speed Robot System, Workshop: Bridging Human Hand Research and the Development of Robotic Technology for Hands, IEEE BIOROB 2010 (Tokyo, 2010.9.26)
- Masatoshi Ishikawa: Dynamic Hand Manipulation Using High Speed Visual Feedback (Invited), Workshop on Bridging Human Hand Research and the Development of Robotic Technology for Hands, 2010 IEEE/RAS-EMBS Int. Conf. on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechanics (Tokyo, 2010.9.26)
- Kunihiko Mabuchi, Hirotaka Niiro, Masanari Kunimoto, Takafumi Suzuki, Masatoshi Ishikawa, and Makoto Shimojo: Development of a Wearable Sensory Prosthetic Device for Patients with Peripheral Neural Disturbances, 15th Annual Conf. of the Int. FES Society (IFESS2010)(Vienna, 2010.9.8-12) /Proceedings, pp.309-311
- Akio Namiki, Ryoya Sugano, Satoru Mizusawa, Yuji Yamakawa, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: High Speed Dexterous Manipulation with High Speed Vision (Invited), 9th IFAC Symposium on Robot Control (SYROCO2009) (Gifu, 2009.9.11)/Proceedings, pp.529-534
- Masatoshi Ishikawa: High Speed Vision and Its Applications in Robotics (Invited), IEEE 1st Workshop on Computer Vision for Humanoid Robots in Real Environments (Kyoto, 2009.9.27)/ Invited Talk Abstracts, p.10
- Yuji Yamakawa, Akio Namiki, Masatoshi Ishikawa, and Makoto Shimojo: One-handed Knotting of a Linear Flexible Objectbased on Reconfigurable Skill Synthesis Strategy, ASME/IFToMM International Conference on Reconfigurable Mechanisms and Robots (ReMAR2009) (London, 2009.6.23)/Proceedings, pp.486-493/Reconfigurable Mechanisms and Robots, pp.478-485
- Taku Senoo, Yuji Yamakawa, Satoru Mizusawa, Akio Namiki, Masatoshi Ishikawa, and Makoto Shimojo: Skillful Manipulation Based on High-speed Sensory-Motor Fusion, 2009 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (Kobe, 2009.5.15)/Proceedings, pp.1611-1612
- Masatoshi Ishikawa: High Speed Vision and its Applications in Robotics (Plenary), The 5th Int. Conf. on Ubiquitous Robots and Ambient Intelligence (URAI2008) (Seoul, 2008.11.21)/Proceedings, p.23
- Taku Senoo, Akio Namiki, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: High-speed Throwing Motion Based on Kinetic Chain Approach, 2008 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (Nice, 2008.9.25)/Proceedings, pp.3206-3211
- Yuji Yamakawa, Akio Namiki, Masatoshi Ishikawa, and Makoto Shimojo: Knotting Manipulation of a Flexible Rope by a Multifingered Hand System based on Skill Synthesis, 2008 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (Nice, 2008.9.24)/Proceedings, pp.2691-2696
- Satoru Mizusawa, Akio Namiki, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Tweezers Type Tool Manipulation by a Multifingered Hand Using a High-Speed Visual Servoing, 2008 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (Nice, 2008.9.24)/Proceedings, pp.2709-2714
- Seiichi Teshigawara, Masatoshi Ishikawa, and Makoto Shimojo: Development of High Speed and High Sensitivity Slip Sensor, 2008 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (Nice, 2008.9.23)/Proceedings, pp.47-52
- Daisuke Gunji, Yoshitomo Mizoguchi, Seiichi Teshigawara, Aiguo Ming, Akio Namiki, Masatoshi Ishikawa, and Makoto Shimojo: Grasping Force Control of Multi-fingered Robot Hand based on Slip Detection Using Tractile Sensor, International Conference on Instrumentation, Control and Information Technology 2008 (SICE Annual Conference 2008) (Tokyo, 2008.8.20)/Proceedings, pp.894-899
- Seiichi Teshigawara, Masatoshi Ishikawa, and Makoto Shimojo: Study of High Speed and High Sensitivity Slip Sensor Characteristic of conductive material, International Conference on Instrumentation, Control and Information Technology 2008 (SICE Annual Conference 2008) (Tokyo, 2008.8.20)/Proceedings, pp.900-903
- Makoto Shimojo, Takuma Araki, Masahiro Teranishi, Aigou Ming, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: A Net-Structure Tactile Sensor Covering Freeform Surface with Reduced Wiring, International Conference on Instrumentation, Control and Information Technology 2008 (SICE Annual Conference 2008) (Tokyo, 2008.8.20)/Proceedings, pp.904-909
- Akio Namiki, Yuji Yamakawa, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Sensory-motor Integration for Dexterous High-speed Handling, International Conference on Instrumentation, Control and Information Technology 2008 (SICE Annual Conference 2008) (Tokyo, 2008.8.22)/Proceedings, pp.3376-3379
- Daisuke Gunji, Yoshitomo Mizoguchi, Seiichi Teshigawara, Aiguo Ming, Akio Namiki, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Grasping Force Control of Multi-fingered Robot Hand based on Slip Detection Using Tactile Sensor, 2008 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA2008) (Pasadena, 2008.5.23)/Conference Proceedings, pp. 2605-2610
- Makoto Shimojo, Takuma Araki, Seiichi Teshigawara, Aigou Ming, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: A Net-Structure Tactile Sensor Covering Free-form Surface and Ensuring High-Speed Response, 2007 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (San Diego, 2007.10.30)/Proceedings, pp.670-675 [Best Paper Nomination Finalist]
- Yuji Yamakawa, Akio Namiki, Masatoshi Ishikawa, and Makoto Shimojo: One-handed Knotting of a Flexible Rope with a High-speed Multifingered Hand having Tactile Sensors, 2007 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (San Diego, 2007.10.30)/Proceedings, pp.703-708
- Masatoshi Ishikawa: System Architecture for Dynamic Information Fusion: Dynamics Matching and Meta Perception(Plenary), The 10th International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION2007) (Quebec, 2007.7.12)
- Sho Morikawa, Taku Senoo, Akio Namiki, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Realtime collision avoidance using a robot manipulator with light-weight small high-speed vision systems, 2007 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2007) (Roma, 2007.4.11)/Proceedings, pp.794-799
- Masatoshi Ishikawa: Vision Chip and Its Applications for Robots (Invited), The 6th Taiwan-Japan Microelectronics Int. Symp. (Taiwan, 2006.11.1)/Proceedings, pp.1-13
- Akio Namiki, Taku Senoo, Noriatsu Furukawa, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Visuomotor Integration in High-speed Manipulation System, SICE-ICASE International Joint Conference 2006 (Busan, 2006.10.2)/Proceedings, pp.4192-4197
- Tatsuya Ishihara, Akio Namiki, Masatoshi Ishikawa, and Makoto Shimojo: Dynamic Pen Spinning Using a High-speed Multifingered Hand with High-speed Tactile Sensor, 2006 IEEE RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots (HUMANOIDS2006) (Genova, 2006.12.5)/Proceedings, pp.258-263
- Alvaro Cassinelli, Carson Reynolds, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Augmenting spatial awareness with Haptic Radar, Tenth International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ISWC2006) (Montreux, 2006.10.12)/Proceedings, pp.61-64
- Makoto Shimojo, Takuma Araki, Aigou Ming, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: A ZMP Sensor for a Biped Robot, 2006 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA2006) (Orlando, 2006.5.16)/pp.1200-1205
- Taku Senoo, Akio Namiki, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Ball Control in High-speed Batting Motion using Hybrid Trajectory Generator, 2006 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA2006) (Orlando, 2006.5.17)/pp.1762-1767
- Noriatsu Furukawa, Akio Namiki, Taku Senoo, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Dynamic Regrasping Using a High-speed Multifingered Hand and a High-speed Vision System, 2006 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA2006) (Orlando, 2006.5.16)/pp.181-187 [Best Manipulation Paper Award]
- Daisuke Shiokata, Akio Namiki, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Robot Dribbling Using a High-Speed Multifingered Hand and a High-Speed Vision System, 2005 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2005) (Alberta, 2005.8.5)/Proceedings, pp.3945-3950
- Dirk Ebert, Takashi Komuro, Akio Namiki, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Safe Human-Robot-Coexistence:Emergency-Stop Using a High-Speed Vision-Chip, 2005 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2005) (Alberta, 2005.8.4)/Proceedings, pp.1821-1826
- Akio Namiki, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: The Analysis of High-speed Catching with a Multifingered Robot Hand, 2005 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA2005) (Barcelona, 2005.4.20)/pp.2666-2671
- Mitsuru Higashimori, Hieyong Jeong, Idaku Ishii, Makoto Kaneko, Akio Namiki, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: A New Four-Fingered Robot Hand with Dual Turning Mechanism, 2005 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA2005) (Barcelona, 2005.4.20)/pp.2690-2695
- Alvaro Cassinelli, Stephane Perrin, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Markerless Laser-Based Tracking for Real-Time 3D gesture Acquisition, ACM SIGGRAPH 2004 (Los Angeles, 2004.8.10-11)
- Akio Namiki, Yoshiro Imai, Makoto Kaneko, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Development of a High-speed Multifingered Hand System, International Conference on Intelligent Manipulation and Grasping (Genoa, 2004.7.1)/pp.85-90
- Stephane Perrin, Alvaro Cassinelli, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Gesture Recognition Using Laser-based Tracking System, 6th International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture (Seoul, 2004.5.18)/pp.541-546
- Taku Senoo, Akio Namiki, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: High-Speed Batting Using a Multi-Jointed Manipulator, 2004 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA2004) (New Orleans, 2004.4.28)/pp.1191-1196
- Yoshiro Imai, Akio Namiki, Koichi Hashimoto, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Dynamic Active Catching Using a High-speed Multifingered Hand and a High-speed Vision System, 2004 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA2004) (New Orleans, 2004.4.29)/pp.1849-1854 [Best Vision Paper Award Finalist]
- Akio Namiki, Yoshiro Imai, Taku Senoo, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Dynamic Manipulation Using High-speed Multifingered Hand-Arm System - Grasping, Catching, and Batting -, 2004 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA2004) (New Orleans, 2004.4.26-5.1)/Video Proceedings, No.L
- Stephane Perrin, Alvaro Cassinelli, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Laser-Based Finger Tracking System Suitable for MOEMS Integration, Image and Vision Computing New Zealand 2003 (IVCNZ2003) (Palmerston North, 2003,11.26)/Proceedings, pp.131-136
- Akio Namiki, Yoshiro Imai, Masatoshi Ishikawa, and Makoto Kaneko: Development of a High-speed Multifingered Hand System and Its Application to Catching, 2003 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (Las Vegas, 2003.10.30)/pp.2666-2671 [ PDF format ]
- Makoto Kaneko, Mitsuru Higashimori, Akio Namiki, and Masatoshi Ishikawa : The 100G Capturing Robot -Too Fast To See-, Proc. of 11th Int. Symp. on Robotics Research (Siena , 2003.10.22)/W.2A-2
- Stephane Perrin, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Quantized Features for Gesture Recognition Using High Speed Vision Camera, SIBGRAPI 2003 (XVI Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing) (Sao Carlos, SP, 2003.10.15)/pp.383-390
- Makoto Shimojo, Ryota Makino, Hironori Ogawa, Takafumi Suzuki, Akio Namiki, Takashi Saito, Masanari Kunimoto, Masatoshi Ishikawa, and Kunihiko Mabuchi: Development of a System for Experiencing Tactile Sensation from a Robot Hand by Electrically Stimulating Sensory Nerve Fiber, 6th Japan-France & 4th Asia-Europe Mechatronics Congress (Saitama, 2003.9.11)/pp.471-476 [Excellent Paper Award]
- Akio NAMIKI, Yoshiro IMAI, Masatoshi ISHIKAWA, Makoto KANEKO, Hiroshi KAMEDA, and Junji KOYAMA: Dynamic Catching Using a Ultra-High-Speed Multifingered Hand System, 2003 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (Taipei, 2003.9.17)/Video Proceedings, Abstracts & References, pp.28-29
- Akio NAMIKI, and Masatoshi ISHIKAWA: Robotic Catching Using a Direct Mapping from Visual Information to Motor Command, 2003 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (Taipei, 2003.9.17)/pp.2400-2405 [ PDF format ]
- Mitsuru Higashimori, Makoto Kaneko, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Dynamic Preshaping for a Robot Driven by a Single Wire, 2003 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (Taipei, 2003.9.16)/pp.1115-1120
- Makoto Shimojo, Takafumi Suzuki, Akio NAMIKI, Takashi Saito, Masanari Kunimoto, Ryota Makino, Hironori Ogawa, Masatoshi ISHIKAWA, and Kunihiko Mabuchi: Development of a System for Experiencing Tactile Sensation from a Robot Hand by Electrically Stimulating Sensory Nerve Fiber, 2003 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (Taipei, 2003.9.16)/pp.1264-1270
- Akio Namiki, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Vision-Based Online Trajectory Generation and Its Application to Catching, Second Joint CSS/RAS International Workshop on CONTROL PROBLEMS IN ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION (Las Vegas, 2002.12.14)(Invited) [PDF format ]
- Makoto Kaneko, Reika Takenaka, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: The Capturing Robot with Super High Acceleration, 8th Int. Symp. on Experimental Robotics (San't Angelo d'Ischia, 2002.8.9)/Experimental Robotics VIII
- Makoto Shimojo, Ryota Makino, Akio Namiki, Masatoshi Ishikawa, Takafumi Suzuki, and Kunihiko Mabuchi: A Sheet Type Tactile Sensor using Pressure Conductive Rubber with Electrical-Wires Stitches Method, 2002 IEEE Sensors (Orlando, 2002.6.15)
- Makoto Shimojo, Ryota. Makino, Akio Namiki, Masatoshi Ishikawa, Takafumi Suzuki, Kunihiko Mabuchi: A Sheet-Type Sensor Using Pressure-Conductive Rubber with Electrical-Wire Stitches Method (Invited), The 1st IEEE Int. Conf. on Sensors (Orland, 2002.6.13)/Proceedings, 23.2
- Makoto Kaneko, Toshio Tsuji, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: The Robot that can Capture a Moving Object in a Blink, 2002 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (Washington D.C., 2002.5.14)
- Akio Namiki, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Sensory-Motor Fusion Architecture Based on High-Speed Sensory Feedback and Its Application to Grasping and Manipulation Proceedings of the 32nd International Symposium on Robotics (Soul, 2001.4.19)/pp.784-789 [PDF format ]
- Masatoshi Ishikawa: How Can High Speed Vision Change Robotics World? (tutorial on "Sensing and Actuation toward 21st Century"), Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (Takamatsu, 2000.10.31)
- Hiromasa OKU, Idaku ISHII, and Masatoshi ISHIKAWA: Tracking a Protozoon Using High-Speed Visual Feedback, Proc. of 1st Annual Int. IEEE-EMBS Special Topic Conf. on Microtechnologies in Medicine & Biology (Lyon, 2000.10.12-14)/pp.156-159
- T.Suzuki, K.Mabuchi, M.Kunimoto, M.Shimojo, T.Saito, N.Kakuta, and M.Ishikawa: Development of a system for experiencing tactile sensation from an artificial arm by electrically stimulating sensory nerve fiber, European Medical & Biological Engineering Conf. (Vienna, 1999.11.7)/Proc., p.776
- K.Mabuchi, T.Suzuki, M.Kunimoto, M.Shimojo, N.Kakuta, T.Saito, H.Nishimura, N.Inami, and M.Ishikawa: A system of interpreting somatic sensations for use with artificial hands and limbs, The First Joint BMES/EMBS Conf. (Atlanta, 1999.10.13-16)/Proc.,p.643
- T.Suzuki, K.Mabuchi, H.Nishimura, T.Saito, N.Kakuta, M.Kunimoto, M.Shimojo, and M.Ishikawa: The electrical control of pressure sensations: the relationship between stimulation signals and subjective intensities and areas, The First Joint BMES/EMBS Conf. (Atlanta, 1999.10.13-16)/Proc., p.457
- Masatoshi Ishikawa, Takashi Komuro, Akio Namiki, and Idaku Ishii: 1ms Sensory-Motor Fusion System (Invited), Int. Symp. of Robotics Research (Snowbird, 1999.10.12)/pp.291-296 [PDF format]
- Masatoshi Ishikawa, Akio Namiki, Takashi Komuro, and Idaku Ishii: New Generation of Sensory Information Processing for Intelligent Systems - VLSI Vision Chip and Sensor Fusion System - (Plenary), Fourth Int. Conf. Electronics Measurement, and Instruments (ICEMI1999) (Harbin, 1999.8.18)/Proceedings,pp.1-6
- Masatoshi Ishikawa, Akio Namiki, Takashi Komuro, and Idaku Ishii: 1ms Sensory-Motor Fusion System with Hierarchical Parallel Processing Architecture (Invited), The Second International Conference on Information Fusion (Sunnyvale, 1999.7.7)/Proceedings, pp.640-647
- T.Suzuki, K.Mabuchi, M.Kunimoto, M.Shimojo, T.Saito, N.Kakuta, and M.Ishikawa: Incorporating a Pressure-Sensing Function into an Artificial Arm System, XIIth World Congress of the Int. Soc. for Artificial Organs/XXXVIth Congress of the European Soc. for Artificial Organs (London, 1999.7)/Artificial Organs, Vol.23, No.7, p.674 (1999)
- K.Mabuchi, T.Suzuki, M.Kunimoto, M.Shimojo, T.Saito, and M.Ishikawa: Relationship Between an Intraneural Electrical Stimulation Signal to a Slow Adaptive Mechanoreceptor Unit and the Evoked Artificial Pressure Sensation, XIIth World Congress of the Int. Soc. for Artificial Organs/XXXVIth Congress of the European Soc. for Artificial Organs (London, 1999.7)/Artificial Organs, Vol.23, No.7, p.671(1999)
- Akio Namiki, Yoshihiro Nakabo, Idaku Ishii, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: High Speed Grasping Using Visual and Force Feedback, Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation (Detroit, 1999.5.14)/Proceedings, pp.3195-3200 [ PDF format (0.4Mbytes), ps+gzip format (2.0Mbytes)]
- Akio Namiki, Yoshihiro Nakabo, Idaku Ishii, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: 1ms Grasping System Using Visual and Force Feedback, Video Proceedings of IEEE Int. Conf. Robotics and Automation (Detroit, 1999.5.13)/Abstract and References, p.12
- Masatoshi Ishikawa: New Generation of Sensory Information Processing for Intelligent Systems - VLSI Vision Chip and Sensor Fusion System with 1ms Sampling Rate - (Plenary), The 5th Int. Conf. on Intelligent Autonomous Systems (Sapporo, 1998.6.2)
- Yoshihiro Nakabo, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Visual Impedance Using 1ms Visual Feedback System, Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation (Leuven, 1998.5.18)/Proceedings, pp.2333-2338
- Takashi Owaki, Yoshihiro Nakabo, Akio Namiki, Idaku Ishii, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Real- time System for Virtually Touching Objects in the real world Using a high Speed Active Vision System, Video Proceedings of IEEE Int. Conf. Robotics and Automation (Leuven, 1998.5.18)/Abstract and References, p.2
- Akio Namiki, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Optimal Grasping Using Visual and Tactile Feedback, IEEE International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems (Washington DC, 1996.12.11)/Proceedings, pp.589-596 [ PDF format 0.1Mbytes, ps+gzip format 0.6Mbytes]
- Toshiharu Mukai, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: An Active Sensing Method Using Estimated Errors for Multisensor Fusion Systems, International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems (Las Vegas, 1994.10.5)/Proceedings, pp.615-622
- Makoto Shimojo, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: An Active Touch Sensing Method Using a Spatial Filtering Tactile Sensor, IEEE Int. Conf. Robotics and Automation (Atlanta, 1993.5.3-5)/Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Robotics and Automation, pp.948-954
- Akihiko Takahashi, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Signal Processing Architecture with Bidirectional Network Topology for Flexible Sensor Data Integration, IROS 1993 (1992 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems) (Yokohama, 1993.7.27)/Proceedings, pp.407-413
- Toshiharu Mukai, Takashi Mori, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: A Sensor Fusion System Using Mapping Learning Method, IROS 1993 (1992 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems) (Yokohama, 1993.7.27)/Proceedings, pp.391-396
- Toshihiro Aono, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Auditory-Visual Fusion Using Multi-Input Hidden Markov Model, IMACS/SICE International Symposium on Robotics, Mechatronics and Manufacturing Systems '92 (Kobe, 1992.9.19)/Proceedings, pp.1085-1090
- Masatoshi Ishikawa: Robot Sensor Technology for Medical, Ergonomical and Physiological Applications, Colloquium on Medical and Neurological Applications in Robotics: New Trends, IROS'92 (1992 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems) (Raleigh, 1992.7.8)/Proceedings, pp.1-7
- Kikuo Kanaya, Masatoshi Ishikawa, and Makoto Shimojo: Tactile Imaging System for Body Pressure Distribution, 11th Congress of Int. Ergonomics Association (Paris, 1991.7.15-20)/Proceedings (Designing for Everyone), Vol.2, pp.1495-1497
- Makoto Shimojo, Masatoshi Ishikawa, and Kikuo Kanaya: A Flexible High Resolution Tactile Imager with Video Signal Output, IEEE Int. Conf. Robotics and Automation (Sacramento, 1991.4.9-11)/Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Robotics and Automation, pp.384-391