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High-Speed Snake Algorithm For Tracking A Microorganism


Active Contour method (Snake method) is one of a candidate for cell image processing. Though our laboratory has proposed a high-speed algorithm suitable for high-speed vision system, it has a drawback that all cells in the frame are extracted. Thus we proposed a novel Active Contour model to extract a single cell continuously by using the fact that the total intensity emitted by a single cell is constant independent of the cell attitude.



  1. Masato Takemoto, Naoko Ogawa, Hiromasa Oku, Masatoshi Ishikawa and Koichi Hashimoto. An Active Contour Model for Tracking a Microorganism on a High-Speed Vision System. 2004 JSME Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec'04) (Nagoya, Japan, 19 Jun 2004) / Proceedings, 1A1-H-27, Jun. 2004. (in Japanese) [PDF (318K)]

Corresponding author: Naoko Ogawa (Naoko_Ogawa)

Ishikawa Group Laboratory
Research Institute for Science & Technology, Tokyo University of Science
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