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Human Gait Estimation Using a Wearable Camera


We focus on the growing need for a technology that can achieve motion capture in outdoor environments. The conventional approaches have relied mainly on fixed installed cameras. With this approach, however, it is difficult to capture motion in everyday surroundings.

This page describes a new method for motion estimation using a single wearable camera. We focused on walking motion. The key point is how the system can estimate the original walking state using limited information from a wearable sensor. This page describes three aspects: the configuration of the sensing system, gait representation, and the gait estimation method.



  1. Yoshihiro Watanabe, Tetsuo Hatanaka, Takashi Komuro and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Human Gait Estimation Using a Wearable Camera, IEEE Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV 2011) (Hawaii, 2011.01.05) / Proceedings, pp. 276-281. [PDF]*IEEE
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