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A Software-Controlled Pixel-Level A-D Conversion Method |
[English | Japanese]
A pixel-level analog-to-digital (A-D) conversion method suitable for digital vision chips is proposed. In this method, each quantization boundary is compared by determining whether the signal level integrated for a certain time has reached a certain voltage, where both the time and voltage are properly controlled by software for each boundary. We derive an algorithm to generate an optimal controlling schedule to realize an arbitrary A-D conversion scale subject to the condition that noise is minimized. Experimental results show that images with given A-D characteristics can be obtained with low noise.
Fig. 1: Images of a grayscale chart obtained with linear
characteristics. The proposed method can overcome the tradeoff that
existing methods have between image noise and lower detection limits.
Fig. 2: Images obtained with different characteristics. The results
show that the proposed method can achieve wide dynamic range imaging
by realizing adequate A-D conversion scales.
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